Prevention and treatment of flat feet

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Prevention and treatment of flat feetNowadays, health-improving walking and jogging are becoming more and more popular. Of particular importance in these cases is the functional state of the lower limbs, their capacity.

Even the great Russian commander Alexander Suvorov, before long campaigns, ordered that the condition of the soldiers' legs be checked, for he believed that the army was "strong with its legs."

The observed violations of the support function of the foot - flat feet - significantly complicate the implementation of natural types of movement, such as walking, running, jumping.

The human foot has two arches - longitudinal and transverse, which ensure its springiness, that is, the ability to absorb body shocks when walking, running, jumping, and increasing endurance to physical exertion. Reduction of the arches of the foot is called "flat feet". With flat feet, the feet are twisted at the same time, so the load falls on the flattened inner arch. At the same time, the spring rate of the foot decreases sharply. When the arch of the foot is flattened, excessive tension on the ligaments and the plantar nerve occurs, which causes rapid leg fatigue and pain.

Since the foot has two arches - longitudinal and transverse, there are longitudinal and transverse flat feet. Transverse flat feet are usually accompanied by other deformities and are more common than longitudinal ones.

The progression of longitudinal flat feet leads to an increase in the length of the foot mainly due to the lowering of the longitudinal arch, and the development of transverse flat feet, on the contrary, slightly reduces the length of the foot due to the fan-shaped divergence of the metatarsal bones.

Flat feet directly depends on body weight, with an increase in weight or body weight, the axial load on the feet increases, and flat feet becomes more pronounced. Longitudinal flat feet are most often observed in people aged 16-25 years, transverse - in 35-50.

Distinguish between congenital flat feet and various forms of flat feet acquired during life.

Prevention and treatment of flat feetMost often - in 82% of cases, static flat feet occurs, which occurs due to weakness of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, ligaments and bones. The reasons for its development can be different: an increase in body weight, prolonged work in a standing position, a decrease in muscle strength as the body ages, lack of sufficient training in persons of sedentary professions, etc.

Flat feet are determined using the Friedland method. To do this, measure the height of the foot with a compass, that is, the distance from the floor to the upper surface of the scaphoid bone, which is well felt approximately on the finger in front of the ankle joint. After that, the length of the foot is measured: the distance from the tip of the 1st toe to the back roundness of the heel. Knowing both values ​​in millimeters, the height of the foot is multiplied by 100 and the resulting figure is divided by the length of the foot. The resulting value is the desired index. The index in a person with a normal arch ranges from 31 to 29. If the indicator is 29-27, then this indicates a low arch (flat feet), and if it is below 25, it indicates significant flat feet.

Prevention and treatment of static flat feet is the topic of our conversation.

So, it should be emphasized once again that static flat feet develops most often in cases where the muscles and ligamentous apparatus of the foot and lower leg are underdeveloped, their elasticity is lowered and the increasing body weight, the axial load on the arches of the foot that increases in strength and time begins to significantly reduce it depreciation properties. The reason for flat feet can also be the wearing of irrational shoes.When choosing shoes, it should be borne in mind that when walking in high heels, there is a redistribution of loads - from the heel to the area of ​​the transverse arch, the forefoot expands and the position (fan-shaped) of the toes changes. Attention should also be paid to the education of correct posture, to the parallel positioning of the feet when standing and walking. It has been noticed that walking with toes spread apart overloads the inner edge of the foot and causes it to flatten.

It should be borne in mind that flat feet may appear gradually, imperceptibly, without pronounced signs. First, there is increased fatigue with prolonged walking, with long standing, and only then pain in the foot appears. Such symptoms are the basis for contacting an orthopedist and receiving special treatment.

Exercise is an important and necessary component of treating flat feet. But it is necessary to know and remember that the treatment of already formed flat feet is incomparably more difficult than prevention, that is, prevention of its occurrence, and here the role of physical exercises is simply invaluable, since the basis for the prevention of flat feet is strengthening the purulent ligamentous apparatus of the foot, increasing muscle tone and strength feet and shins.

Treatment of flat feet should be comprehensive and aimed not only at strengthening the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the lower leg and foot, but also at the harmonious development of the muscles of the trunk and limbs, at fostering correct posture. In the treatment of flat feet, the main place is occupied by therapeutic exercises, massage and the wearing of special shoes or special inserts - instep supports.

It is imperative to include in therapeutic gymnastics: exercises to educate the correct posture and the correct position of the lower limbs when standing and walking; special exercises with and without various devices and equipment to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the lower leg and foot; special corrective exercises.

In case of pain in the calf muscles and muscles of the arch of the foot, it is recommended to massage these muscle groups before doing therapeutic exercises. The massage is best done while lying down using the following techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading and tapping. The massage begins with the muscles of the plantar surface of the foot, then passes to the muscles of the anterior and posterior surfaces of the lower leg.

Special exercises are performed in the initial positions lying, sitting, standing and while walking. At the same time, exercises in which the body weight falls on the inner edge of the foot should be avoided; it is also not necessary to spread the feet wide to the sides during exercises, since this does not help to strengthen the arch of the foot, but to flatten it.

If pain in the muscles of the foot and lower leg occurs when walking or in case of weakness in the development of the muscles of the lower extremities, it is more advisable to start therapeutic exercises from the initial sitting positions, lying down, when practically no load falls on the foot and it is possible to effectively carry out targeted strengthening of the muscles of the lower leg and arch of the foot ...

In the initial supine position, the following exercises should be performed.

  1. Simulate leg movements similar to cycling, while pulling the toes and turning the foot inward. Perform 6-8 rotations, breathing is free. To fix attention on the correct position of the feet.
  2. Sliding alternating movements of the foot along the lower leg of the other leg from the ankle to the knee and back. Perform 8-10 movements with each leg. Then try to cover the lower leg with the plantar surface of the foot.
  3. Alternating movements of straight legs up and down (as when swimming with a crawl on the back). The socks are pulled, the feet are turned inward. Perform 2-3 series with rest between series, in each series for 4-6 cycles.

From the starting position of sitting on a high chair, we recommend doing the following exercises.

  1. Swinging the leg back and forth due to the movement in the knee joints. The socks are pulled, the feet are turned inward. Perform 10-16 movements.
  2. Adduction and abduction of the legs. The position of the feet is the same as in the previous exercise. Perform 10-14 movements.
  3. Circular rotation of the feet inward and outward. Perform 15 - 20 rotations in each direction.
  4. Knocking a ball suspended on a string with the outer edge of the dorsum of the foot - 1-2 minutes.
  5. Rolling with the feet of a stick or club.
  6. Grabbing and lifting a medicine ball or ball with feet.
  7. Finger-pulling the fabric mat.
  8. Picking up small items with your toes.

Prevention and treatment of flat feetPerforming exercises in the initial standing position makes it possible to strengthen the muscles of the arch of the foot and lower extremities, develop the correct posture, the correct position of the body and limbs when standing and walking, and perform movements to improve the sense of balance.

When performing exercises with a limited area of ​​support and for balance, you can initially stick to the gymnastic wall. (I. p. - starting position)

  1. I. p. - standing on the outer arches of the feet. Get up on your toes, return to and. p. Repeat 6-8 times.
  2. I. p. - the same. Semi-squat. Repeat 6-8 times.
  3. I. p. - standing, toes inward, heels outward. Get up on your toes, return to and. p. Repeat 10-12 times.
  4. I. p. - standing, legs are located one after the other. Rise on your toes and slide down smoothly. Repeat 8-10 times.
  5. I. p. - standing on toes, feet are parallel, hands on the belt. Go up and down on your toes, swaying and not getting up on the floor. Repeat 8-10 times.
  6. I. p. - standing, hands on the belt. Walking on toes and on the outer arch of the foot - 1-1.5 min.
  7. I. p. - standing, hands behind the head in the lock, the shoulders are deployed, the shoulder blades are brought together. Walking on toes (turn the socks inward) —1—1.5 min.
  8. I. p. - standing, hands on the belt. Walking on toes in a half-squat - 20-30 sec.
  9. I. p. - standing, holding on to the gymnastic wall, alternately raise a straight leg - circular rotation of the foot. Repeat 6-8 times.
  10. Walking sideways on the lower rail of the gymnastic wall - 30-40 sec.

To strengthen the muscles of the arch of the foot, walking on a semicircular or triangular pole is also recommended. When walking, put the socks inward. For the development of muscle strength and strengthening of the arch of the feet, climbing on a rope and a pole, walking barefoot on a path with a gravel surface is recommended. In the warm season, it is recommended to walk barefoot on the sand, on the mown grass. It is necessary to combine this special walking with hardening procedures.

Regular, systematic use of the above exercises together with general developmental and strengthening exercises will allow avoiding deformity of the feet in the early stages of flatfoot formation. In advanced cases, the complex of the above measures, applied simultaneously with wearing comfortable shoes with instep supports, will stabilize the deformation process, eliminate pain in the muscles and joints of the lower extremities, and increase the functionality of the entire musculoskeletal system.

N. Valeev, A. Shakirov

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