Chronic bronchitis: what to do?

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Chronical bronchitisChronic bronchitis is a diffuse respiratory disease that causes deep and most often irreversible changes in the tissues of the respiratory system. Chronic bronchitis should not be confused with acute or obstructive bronchitis. It does not belong to independent diseases and in most cases develops from acute bronchitis, however, it can also arise as a complication of other diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract - for example, pneumonia, whooping cough or measles. Chronic bronchitis differs from its acute form in both symptomatology and treatment methods.

Bronchitis can be considered chronic only if the cough and sputum production continues for more than 2 years, for at least 3 months annually.

The main symptoms are:

• dry or, more commonly, wet cough;

• anemia and general weakness of the body;

• shortness of breath;

• temperature rise (mainly up to 37-38 ° С);

• fast fatiguability;

• dry wheezing in the chest, which becomes moist when the temperature rises.

Chronical bronchitisSubfebrile condition (a slight increase in temperature) can be observed in chronic bronchitis for several weeks, but the temperature rarely exceeds 38 ° C.

Chronic bronchitis is exacerbated most often in winter. Damp weather, even during the warm season, also increases the risk of its acute phase. However, do not confuse chronic bronchitis with the common cold - its main difference from other diseases of the upper respiratory tract is the absence of a runny nose and pronounced wheezing in the bronchi.

How to treat?

The main thing to remember: chronic bronchitis cannot be treated at home - a specialist should prescribe treatment, otherwise the risk of causing significant damage to health is too great.

During an exacerbation, antibiotics and sulfonamides may be used to suppress the activity of the infection. Basically, the methods of treating chronic bronchitis are symptomatic and aimed at preventing further damage to the respiratory system. According to the doctor's prescription, inhalation of the lungs, physiotherapy procedures, any medical gymnastics, cupping and much more are used. Therefore, if you have the first signs of an exacerbation of bronchitis, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Some tips to remember:

• The air in the room where the patient with chronic bronchitis lives should always be slightly humid. Use room humidifiers, place a vessel with water in front of the heat source or hang wet towels in the room: dry air irritates the bronchial mucosa and can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

• Avoid tobacco smoke. Smoking, including passive smoking, causes great harm to the respiratory system and is one of the reasons that can cause the development of chronic bronchitis.

• The patient's diet should have enough vitamins, primarily of groups B and C. A, C, B1, B6, B12 are also very important. It will not be superfluous to use biostimulants - for example, levamisole or aloe. But it is better to refuse spicy and pungent food - it can also cause an exacerbation of the disease.

• During an exacerbation, it is recommended to drink as much fluids as possible - at least 2 liters per day. Warm drinking brings significant benefits, especially during the cold season. You can use herbal teas, tea with dried linden blossoms, raspberries or honey. However, remember: the drink should be exactly warm, not hot.

• Choose your clothes carefully: with chronic bronchitis, heat exchange is impaired, sweating is increased, and there is a high risk of catching a cold.

• Inhalation of onions and garlic is of great benefit. To do this, mix the juice with a 0.25% novocaine solution in a 1/3 ratio. If it is absent, isotonic sodium solution can be used instead of novocaine. Inhalations should be used twice a day for 14 - 20 days.

• Remember that chronic bronchitis cannot be considered only as an independent disease. First of all, this is a manifestation of the body's inability to cope with inflammation in the bronchi. Therefore, an important point in the treatment and prevention of bronchitis is hardening, proper balanced nutrition and mandatory therapeutic exercises.


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