Quote: valushka-s
and what volume is used?
valushka-s, for my liquid I used a regular old 250 ml faceted glass. This means that you need to take 125 ml of liquid. And I measured the flour with a measuring cup. And then she weighed it on purpose. It turned out 89 gr. This I specially wrote such a run, taking into account the flour. I think that with dry flour, 80 grams will be enough. In general, this is such a recipe that you can't go wrong +/- 10 gr. they won't do the weather.
Valya, you will succeed. In this recipe, the main thing is to thoroughly skip the potatoes in a blender so that there are no pieces, into a homogeneous puree. And a nice frying pan, of course.
Trishka, Ksyusha, as Kubanochka has already noticed from experience ..... I also stood on the table for 4 hours, but I had it on the serum, nothing darkened, since sour milk interferes with this, apparently it does not darken in the original recipe!
Lyudochka... bookmark the recipe. I cannot master the tea topic, links are constantly distracting. We love pancakes very much, but now we rarely cook, there are no tasty potatoes, but I will cook pancakes. Thanks for the recipe.
Allochka, yes, in winter, in the tea topic, everything is written at once, so it is difficult for a busy person to master it.
And try to cook pancakes. I have my own potatoes, delicious! She's pretty good, and in these pancakes too. Alla, as soon as you get hold of a good potato, try it. It doesn't look very much like pancakes - soft pancakes with the taste of pancakes, but my husband-bulbash liked these pancakes to the core. This is the main criterion for me.
lappl1, Ludmila, thanks for the unusual pancake recipe! I will definitely try.
Sneg6, Olenka, to your health! I was glad to share this recipe!
lappl1, Lyudmila, THANK YOU for the recipe! Report from me.
Olenka, good luck and delicious Shrovetide!
Girls about what kind of tea you write. After yesterday's pancakes I really want tea (driving out extra pancakes). In the morning, Lyudmila was still full of pancakes. So I went to work without breakfast, but I took the pancakes left over from yesterday's to work.
Elena Kadiewa
Oh, Natasha, that tea is a fairy tale! Let the author of this tea (and this recipe) point out to you, I can’t.
And if in short, a bunch of crazy people in love with this TEA gathered there, who went through the stages of making this tea together, and remained in anticipation of spring as a kind of gang, and the leader of this "criminal community" is the author of this recipe, and not only this, dear Lyudmila ... Their entrance, in my opinion, is free, but the exit ...
lappl1, NataliARH, thanks girls!
Today I will try to bake, then!
Natasha, so we do it in the summer. Fermented tea. Granular and sheet.
Here are my recipes:
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves)
Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants
Country tea (six in one)
We have a very warm tea company. Join us!
Quote: elena kadiewa
Their entrance, in my opinion, is free, but the exit ...
Lenochka,. Yeah, no one has left voluntarily yet.
Quote: Trishka
lappl1, NataliARH, thanks girls! I'll try to bake today, then
Ksyusha, good luck! And delicious pancakes!
Lyuda, I can't, my hands are itching! I peeled the potatoes, in half an hour I’ll make the dough, walk the dog and bake pancakes for dinner! And then even at night I dreamed ...
Lena, there is a way out, but nobody wants to go out. On the contrary, every day more and more addictive! And we are tightening others.
Here is my report. Lyuda, take it! Photographed the remainder today. They are very tasty on the second day. Especially with sour cream and garlic sauce with green onions ...

Raw potato pancakes

Dedicated to Lyuda and her potato pancakes ...

Pancakes in the morning and pancakes in the afternoon,
We are engaged to pancakes ...
Pancake week ...
Husband: "What hops would I use

I ate your pancakes for future use,
I want a piece of sausages,
I want potatoes and garlic
And in the house there is a stream of pancakes

Potatoes, you say, give me?
Blinov overeat?
Well, okay, go to sleep
And in the morning: “What?! Pancakes again ?!»

You, Darling, to shout like this,
I had to fly with happiness.
After all, this is a deception of view ...
Try it, dear brute.

Did you want potatoes this morning?
The husband took a bite ... and went nuts!
He said, swallowing a piece:
«There's also garlic!»

Pancakes in the morning and pancakes in the afternoon,
We are engaged to pancakes ...
Maslenitsa has come to our homes,
I brought different recipes ...

Here is my report. True, I did the housework with the recipe - instead of milk, I took whey, along with potatoes, and the same amount of pumpkin, so I had to add flour and another 1/2 tsp. soda. In general, here is:
Raw potato pancakes
I also tried to bake pancakes this morning. Everyone liked it, but I liked most of all how my daughter (who keeps a diet), made five pancakes with sour cream in the morning. And to my sly glances she answered - No, well, what, delicious.
So thanks from the whole family
lappl1, Lyudochka. Today I also "mastered" your pancakes. The taste is very interesting ...! made very quickly, baked quickly and ... well, very quickly eaten!
Raw potato pancakes
Lyudochka, another masterpiece! For some reason I missed it, we love dranniki very much, I will definitely cook it, thanks!
Raw potato pancakes

Well, I didn't have time to beautifully decompose! She pushed two of them with one foot and brushed aside with one hand. I say - everyone in the house is losing weight! Luda, big merci from the whole family! Made from 0.5 kg of flour, nothing else remained. The daughter said that it was very opportune to get ready for work not in the morning. True, no one understood that they were with potatoes until I said. But then it became even tastier! And the remains of the forshmak were very appropriate. I will repeat to guests at the weekend. The next step is yeast linins.
Quote: kubanochka
Here is my report. Luda, take it! Photographed the remainder today. They are very tasty on the second day. Especially with sour cream and garlic sauce with green onions ...
Quote: kubanochka
Dedicated to Lyuda and her potato pancakes ...
Lenaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! It is a masterpiece ! Both culinary and poetic! Thank you, you are our good! I laughed, reading, and cried with joy! What poetry! No! What pancakes! Oh, again, not that! What are you, Lena! Miracle of miracles! Thank you very much! How you made me happy!
Quote: Linadoc
Here is my report. True, I did the housework with the recipe - instead of milk, I took whey, along with potatoes, and the same amount of pumpkin, so I had to add flour and another 1/2 tsp. soda. In general, here is:
Linochka! She has not yet departed from Lenin's masterpiece, but here is a new masterpiece - from Linochka! Lina, what beautiful pancakes you have. And you would not be you if you did not add your own flavor to any recipe! I am sure that in your version they are even tastier and healthier! Thank you, honey, for such beauty! And for using my recipe. I am very pleased !
Quote: Tashechka58
I also tried to bake pancakes this morning. Everyone liked it, but I liked most of all how my daughter (who keeps a diet), made five pancakes with sour cream in the morning. And to my sly glances she answered - No, well, what, delicious. So thanks from the whole family
Tashechka58, I am very glad that you have used my recipe. Glad for your dietitian daughter. Let her each pancake throw off at least 100 grams! Thank you for such a positive report! Cook a lot more pancakes! Happy Shrovetide to you and your whole family!
Quote: Borisyonok
lappl1, Lyudochka. Today I also "mastered" your pancakes. The taste is very interesting ...! made very quickly, baked quickly and ... well, very quickly eaten
Lena-kitty you are our dear! And you baked handsome men! Thank you very much for trusting my recipe! I am very glad that the process did not tire you and you fed the family with these hearty pancakes! Cook, Kitty, more health: drinks_milk :!
Quote: marika33
Lyudochka, another masterpiece! For some reason I missed it, we love dranniki very much, I will definitely cook it, thanks!
Marinochka, yes, it's a mess! all the tea girls are already full of pancakes, and you haven't baked yet! Correct the situation urgently! If you like pancakes, then you will like pancakes. Although, to be honest, they do not taste like potato pancakes.So, potatoes are slightly guessed. and the pancakes are soft, hearty! Prepare, Marinochka, try it!
Quote: paramed1

Raw potato pancakes

Well, I didn't have time to beautifully decompose! She pushed two of them with one foot and brushed aside with one hand. I say - everyone in the house is losing weight! Luda, big merci from the whole family! Made from 0.5 kg of flour, nothing else remained. The daughter said that it was very opportune to get ready for work not in the morning. True, no one understood that they were with potatoes until I said. But then it became even tastier! And the remains of the forshmak were very appropriate. I will repeat to guests at the weekend. The next step is yeast linins.
Veronica, beautiful, don't even hesitate! Great pancakes you have! In general, the main thing here is not beauty! In my photo in the recipe, too, there was no time for beauty! It was necessary to eat them urgently, otherwise they cooled down.
Veronica, how many of them you got! And most of all I like the reaction of your losing weight family to these pancakes! Bravo, mommy! All diets are derailed! I, too, could not pass by!
Veronica, listen how great you came up with forshmak. Next time I will definitely use your idea. Thank you dear! And for the report! And for the photo! and for the forshmak idea!
Elena Kadiewa
Haa, the Tea gang is almost in full force, having been devoured by the atamanshin's (fuuu, how beautiful it is!) Pancakes. Home when you all come, gluttons !?
Take a report!
It turned out very tasty and unusual!
It seems like you are waiting for the taste of a pancake, but you get a pancake,
With sour cream vaasche shine!
Raw potato pancakes
Ksyusha, to your health! What beauty in the photo! I am so glad that it was delicious for you! Thanks for the report! I am very pleased !
Quote: elena kadiewa

Haa, the Tea gang is almost in full force, having been devoured by the atamanshin's (fuuu, how beautiful it is!) Pancakes. Home when you all come, gluttons !?
Helen, aha! I was stunned when, after a couple of hours of absence, I saw the girls' reports! And do not say, these pancakes are hard not to be overexposed! Syyyytnoooo!
Thank you very much for the recipe. Now I have baked it, full of delight. I love potato pancakes, but children eat them badly. And these pancakes were dared only so As the middle daughter said: very tasty pancake pancakes are only not enough I took them to the bookmarks, now I will often use your recipe
And we have today potato pancakespancakes ... unexpected and delicious !!! Thank you!
Raw potato pancakes
Natasha K
lappl1, I have a big thank you! Luda, it's very tasty!
Luda, is that a lot ??? Hamsters are very voracious! By the way, I also added 50:50 milk and whey, the whey disappears, I left some for the Linins for tomorrow. Oh, I forgot, and flour of the 1st grade and 2nd, about 700 and 300. And put more potatoes. The beauty has turned out! So thanks again. I think that you will receive the same rating from the guests - your sister and boyfriend promised to come by.
And also, I think, these pancakes can be used with bean pate, potatoes and legumes go very well. Need to try!
Elena Kadiewa
Veronica, (in a whisper), what kind of pâté? My big half of the beans are respected!
Lena, it's simple. Boil the beans, pre-soaked, do not pour out the broth, leave a little in a cup. You fry the onions, pass the beans with onions and garlic through a meat grinder or break them with blender knives. You add vegetable oil. Salt, pepper. If you are very thick, then add broth. This is also a recipe from childhood in a town with a bunch of Jewish dishes. It is better to take red beans - to make it more beautiful! When I was little, I loved to eat with fresh bread.
Quote: elena kadiewa
My big half of the beans are respected!
Tell me, Lenchik, big for your half, that this is not pate, but lobio. And also add coriander there. He will be dearer.
Raw potato pancakes

Lyudochka, she was making pancakes according to your recipe, thank you very much! The taste is something in between - between pancakes and dranniki. In general, pancake-dranniki turned out. With a spicy taste of garlic and onion. However, I added serum instead of water. They are so soft, aromatic, unusual.
My husband really liked these pancakes! Thank you!
Lena-Kubanochka, never lobio. There are no nuts and pepper. This is a bean cymes. Jewish cuisine. I grew up in Moldova, they cook a little differently there, not quite like in the south, not spicy and little grass. And Lenochka's husband doesn't need spicy food yet.
Veronica, it is clear that tsimes, not lobio. It's just, everything is so close, everything is mixed ... I wanted to say that. That is, there is one step from tsimes to lobio.

Quote: paramed1
There are no nuts and pepper.
Aha! Gotcha!
Quote: paramed1
Salt, pepper.
Lena, there is no sweet pepper, like in lobio, which is now called paprika! A little black ground is needed for the smell. I do not put more often, but more garlic. And the kitchens are, of course, close. But I like the Jewish one, there is less sharpness. Oh, in Russia 2 they talk about forshmak and blue ones ... And I don't eat eggplants just raw, but in Moscow they are waiting for 400 rubles. stand ...
Quote: musi
Thank you very much for the recipe. Now I have baked it, full of delight. I love potato pancakes, but children eat them badly. And these pancakes were dared only so As the middle daughter said: very tasty pancake pancakes are only not enough I took them to the bookmarks, now I will often use your recipe
musi, Olya, thank you for such a review! I am very glad that it was delicious for you! And your daughter is smart! How cool she called them! I, probably, will also now call these pancakes! I am very pleased that this recipe will now be in demand with you! Bake to your health!
Quote: Leka_s

And we have today potato pancakespancakes ... unexpected and delicious !!! Thank you!
Raw potato pancakes
Leka_s, Alyona! What pretty pancakes turned out - in a hole, ruddy! ! I am very pleased that the taste of the pancakes surprised and delighted you! Thank you very much for your feedback and photos!
Lyudochka, I report without a photo. Did a double rate, strictly according to the recipe. It turned out beautiful, tasty, the main thing is not sweet and you can't eat with sweets (my husband got together with condensed milk ..) Very satisfying, you can't eat much, so that's enough for tomorrow.
I really liked to grind it in a blender bowl, I rarely use it (and here it is quick and easy to wash).
Now I want to make pumpkin pancakes.
Quote: Natalia K
lappl1, thank you very much! Luda, it's very tasty!
Natalia K, good luck, Natasha! I am very glad that I liked the recipe! Thank you very much for your feedback!
Quote: paramed1
But I don't eat eggplants just raw,
Veronica, you will like the eggplant recipe I make. By the way, I have never seen one like this. They are raw, but delicious. Next week I’ll bring it from the basement and maybe put in a recipe for it. Buy eggplant seeds of the Tender variety, they are white to harvest for the winter.

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