home Culinary recipes Culinary dishes Tea recipes Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute

Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute

Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute

Category: Healthy eating
Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute


Oilcake from a juicer any quantity
(any - I have apple)

Cooking method

  • 1. Fiber. 2. Powder for baking. 3. Additives to tea. 4. A substitute for tea (we prepare healthy products from the cake from the juicer)
  • I think that many owners of orchards and gardens, like me, racked their brains about what to do with the rich harvest of fruits, berries and vegetables. It happens that it is not realistic to eat, process, prepare for the winter or distribute what is grown with love. And if there is a juicer, then a headache is added: where to put the cake remaining after receiving the juice? So much cake in the form of pancakes, pastries, salads, etc. is simply not overpowering. But this is the most valuable product - fiber.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • Cellulose is a dietary fiber containing hemicellulose, pectins and non-carbohydrate compounds. It plays a huge role in human nutrition: it accelerates the digestive processes, removes harmful substances from the body, promotes weight loss, as well as the prevention and treatment of a number of dangerous diseases. Every day, a person should eat up to 35 grams with food. fiber. Most of us do not even use half of this rate.
  • One fine day, I twisted the leaves for tea in a meat grinder and admired the resulting granules. And then I thought, why not twist in a meat grinder* cakeremaining in the juicer and not dry in a conventional dryer? The product obtained in this way will be nothing more than granular fiber, similar to which many buy as dietary supplements.
  • To make sure my thoughts were correct, I armed myself with the Internet. Firstly, I learned a lot of interesting fiber information**, its content in certain plants, methods of use, etc. Secondly, I managed to find information about how it is produced on an industrial scale***... Some of this information can be read by following the appropriate links in the Recipe Notes.
  • Here I will only briefly note that fiber is produced mainly from pomace (cake) obtained after squeezing the juice. The cake is granulated by passing through spinnerets and dried to a moisture content of 5 - 8%. The temperature regime during drying depends on the purpose of the cake and the type of drying equipment. If the cake is used for the production of fiber as a food additive, it is recommended to dry the granules at a temperature of 35 * - 40 * (to preserve the vitamin complex) and not higher than 95 * (so as not to destroy pectins). In the production of fruit and vegetable powders for the bakery industry, higher temperatures are used (120 - 150 *).
  • Having summarized the information received and realizing that such conditions can be provided at home, I got down to business. The apples were still unripe, but that did not stop me. I was interested in the very fact - what will come of it. And everything turned out great! I cooked from cake the following products:
  • 1. Granular and powdered fiber.
  • 2. Powder for baking.
  • 3. Additives to tea.
  • 4. Substitute for tea.
  • 1. FIBER.
  • 1.1. Granular fiber.
  • I picked the apples. I washed it. Cut it.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • Passed it through a juicer. The juice from unripe apples is surprisingly delicious.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • I passed the cake through a meat grinder. I could not get good granules through the fine grid, but excellent granules through the coarse grid. If desired, you can get denser granules by scrolling the cake twice in a meat grinder.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • Then I dried the granules in an electric dryer at a temperature of 65 * until crisp (I dried for 4 hours). Drying time depends on the degree of juice extraction. The drier the cake comes out of the juicer, the faster the granules will dry.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • I tried it! It turned out to be so delicious! They snap like seeds.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • After such a great result, I wanted to experiment with the composition. On the website of a famous Russian fiber manufacturer, I studied the composition of the product. It is very diverse. In addition to fruits, berries and vegetables, bran, herbs, nuts and seeds of various plants are added to it. So I decided to cook granular fiber optionby adding oatmeal to the apple cake.
  • I took cake (900 gr.). Then I ground the oatmeal (150 gr.), Poured them onto the cake and mixed.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • Twisted the resulting mass. Excellent granules-worms turned out.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • True, it is not very convenient to lay them out on baking sheets and pallets - they tend to stick together all the time.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • I dried them in the same way as last time, at 65 *. I really liked the result. The taste is soft, balanced.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • 1.2. Powdered fiber.
  • Why powder? Firstly, it is more convenient to add it to food. Second, in powder form, fiber works better in the body. I met this information: “The fine-dispersed (fine) structure and large surface of the powders allows you to neutralize and remove metabolic products, toxins, bacteria and heavy metals from the body. But, most importantly, the human body can extract from powders 2 - 4 times more biologically active substances in comparison with the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits ".
  • Powder preparation is simple. I ground the granules on a coffee grinder. See what the perfect powder is!
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • And with this fiber, I also decided to experiment. I took 30 gr. apple fiber, 40 gr. oatmeal, dried red rowan berries (25 gr.) and lingonberries (5 gr.).
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • Each ingredient is ground on a coffee grinder.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • And I just mixed it up.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • I loved this option so much! Dried berries added not only excellent taste and aroma to this fiber, but also benefits corresponding to their composition.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • Thus, an infinite number of fiber optionsby adding to it ground on a coffee grinder:
  • - bran and cereals;
  • - various dried berries;
  • - nuts, seeds;
  • - germinated and dried grains;
  • - dried herbs ...
  • Fiber should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with 1 tsp. and increasing to 3 - 6 tbsp. l. in a day.
  • It is recommended to take fiber 30 minutes before meals with a glass of water. And you can add to kefir, yogurt, porridge, soup, cottage cheese, casseroles, baked goods, etc., that is, in a thick product. So the fiber is more evenly distributed throughout the dish. Fiber harmoniously complements the taste of a familiar dish, making it more useful and less nutritious.
  • I like to add fiber to yogurt or fermented baked milk. I add 1 - 2 tsp. per glass.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • I stir, wait 5 minutes for the fiber to swell and eat with pleasure.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • It turns out very tasty! And, of course, useful!
  • Currently, fruit, berry and vegetable powders are widely used in bakery. Adding powders to the dough improves the condition of the crumb, color, taste, porosity, quality of bakery products, reduces calorie content, and also enriches them with dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins. Such products do not stale for a long time. It has been established that the best organoleptic characteristics have bakery products containing from 5 to 10% of powder by weight of flour.
  • In the production of bakery products, it is proposed to use a wide assortment of powders:
  • - fruit and berry: apple, pear, currant, strawberry, raspberry, gooseberry, plum, cherry, lingonberry, mountain ash, blueberry, blueberry, cranberry, sea buckthorn, etc.
  • - vegetable: carrots, pumpkin, beets, tomatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, zucchini, onions, bell peppers, cabbage, broccoli, radish, etc.
  • If desired, the powder can be purchased, but having my own garden, it seemed to me not logical to buy it.I tried to grind apple chips in a coffee grinder before, but I didn't succeed very well - you can't put a lot of them in a coffee grinder, and there are many pieces left. But the granules ground perfectly!
  • I baked 2 types of bread with powder - apple and raspberry.
  • For apple baking powder I dried the pellets in the oven on baking sheets lined with parchment.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • Started drying at 120 *. After 20 minutes, I lowered the temperature to 80 * and dried it until crisp. Stir the granules periodically to dry evenly. By the way, these granules turned out to be tastier, apparently because of the easy frying.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • Bread with apple powder baked according to the simplest recipe from the instructions for the Panasonic bread maker. Replaced some of the flour (5% - 20 gr.) With the same amount of apple powder. But due to the high water-holding capacity of the powder, the dough requires about 30-50 ml more water than in the original recipe. The bread in the photo is still asking for more water. But still good !!!
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • For bread with raspberry powder (Bread "Raspberry Paradise") I ground the dried berries of wild raspberries on a coffee grinder, taking only 4% (15 grams) of raspberry powder by weight of flour.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • If you click on the photo, then all the benefits of bread can be seen with the naked eye: on the left - with apple powder, on the right - with raspberry powder:
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • Both breads are great! It tastes slightly sour, but not the same as that of sourdough and rye breads. The aroma and taste of apple and raspberry powder are also poorly guessed. But still, the bread is very fragrant and delicious! The crumb is slightly moist, the crust is crispy. The bread does not crumble at all and, indeed, does not stale longer than according to the same recipes, but without powder. So, the cake from the juicer will serve us excellently in our baking business.
  • For such additives, cake from any fruit and berries is suitable: apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches, grapes, strawberries, currants, raspberries, blueberries, etc. You can, of course, add dried berries and fruits to tea. But, first of all, remember that we need to attach the cake from the juicer. And, secondly, tea with such granular additives brews better. The fact is that from pieces of fruits and berries flavoring and aromatic substances come out into the tea infusion longer than from tea, therefore they do not have time to fully manifest themselves. And granulated additives are brewed simultaneously with tea and give it a wonderful taste and aroma.
  • I brewed fermented willow tea with the same amount of dried apples and granulated and dried cake.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • Both teas were brewed for the same time - 10 minutes. Tea with granulated additives has a pronounced apple aroma and taste, while in tea with apple chips they are slightly guessed. This means that the cake from the juicer plays its role perfectly here.
  • While studying information about fermented teas, I came across a brochure “Making sugar and tea at home”, which recommends making tea substitutes from various fruits, berries and vegetables. For delicious drinks, we recommend them not just dry, but fry:
  • "Dried fruits (berries) such as raspberries, currants, strawberries etc., do not require further processing. For selected cases only a small amount of berries are lightly roasted and goes in this form for mixing. But apples, hawthorn and mountain ash must be fried... Almost always the waste of extraction plants (pomace of berries, fruits) should also be roasted, which again helps to improve their tea qualities. Vegetables - carrots and pumpkin - fry until dark brown. "
  • Thus, fried fruits, vegetables and berries greatly change their taste and become an excellent material for making independent drinks.
  • No sooner said than done. I roasted the granules in the oven at 150 *. You need to do this carefully, because there is a risk of burning the pellets.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • I brewed tea in the usual way.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • The result is a very tasty drink, sour and refreshing. And what color! Real tea!
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • The taste was, of course, not tea, but also not compote. Who loves teas with fruit and berry additives, I highly recommend it! You can drink it as a standalone drink, or you can add a couple of teaspoons of granules to any tea.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • Since all these products are very hygroscopic, they must be stored in a dry, warm and dark place, hermetically sealed.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • I had 3 kg. chopped apples (clean weight, no waste). After the juicer I got 930 gr. cake. After drying, it turned out to be only 85 grams. granules. In one teaspoon I fit 5 grams. granules. That is, I got these five grams from about 3 apples (without the weight of waste). I eat 2 tsp a day. of its fiber, which is equal to six apples! I don't know if anyone can eat that many apples every day? But with two teaspoons, I can handle it easily. This photo shows how much fiber was obtained from 3 apples.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • In general, the experiment was more than successful! I am very pleased! I can say that enough time has passed since the preparation of the first fiber, so that I could be convinced of its beneficial effect on the body. Now I spin the juice, even if I don't really need it, fortunately, there is enough material. I now need fiber, baking powder and tea additives.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • I plan to cook fiber from carrots, pumpkins, beets in the near future. And next year - and from berries. I will definitely make various additives from bran, nuts, seeds, herbs, sprouted grains, etc.
  • Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute
  • Join, dear members of the forum, to this useful and exciting activity!

Time for preparing:

4 - 5 hours

Cooking program:

Juicer, meat grinder, electric dryer, oven, coffee grinder


* I foresee the question: "Why not dry the cake in a dryer or in the oven, without twisting it in a meat grinder?" First, the aesthetic appearance of the finished product is very important to me. I think everyone will agree that the granules look much prettier than the shapeless dried mass of cake. Secondly, I, of course, tried to do it. But on pallets and baking sheets the cake could not be spread out in a thin and even layer. As a result, the drying time of the cake did not differ in favor of this option. In some places the cake was already dry, and in some places it was wet. On the face - an increase in drying time and a deterioration in the quality and appearance of the product. I didn't even want to photograph the mass that I got.


Video about fiber from the program "On the most important"

Visual experiment "How fiber works"

Types of fiber.
Fiber happens 2 types: soluble and insoluble. Both must be present in the human diet.
TO soluble fiber include pectins and vegetable resins. It is found in black bread, oatmeal, legumes, and most fruits and vegetables. It takes a long time for the body to digest such fiber, so that the feeling of satiety is felt over a long period of time. Soluble fiber also slows down the absorption of sugar from the blood. It helps to lower cholesterol levels.
Insoluble fiber are cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. It is found in grains, vegetables and fruits. Insoluble fiber acts like a sponge. Under the influence of digestive juices, it swells, absorbing cholesterol, bile acids, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, and in this form, passing through the digestive tract, removes them from the body.
Surprisingly, the same fruit can contain both soluble and insoluble ballast substances. Apples are a prime example of this. The peel contains insoluble fiber, while the pulp contains soluble fiber.

Useful properties of fiber.
• Provides fast satiety without unnecessary calories.
• Reduces cholesterol and blood sugar.
• Cleans the body from toxic products.
• Reduces blood cholesterol and prevents gallstones.
• Eating fiber to prevent colon and rectal cancer and cardiovascular disease.
• Fiber significantly slows down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, which in turn has a positive effect on blood sugar levels.
• Fiber is the main "food" for many of the beneficial bacteria that live in our gut. Getting nutrients from it, they produce enzymes and B vitamins.

People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not prescribe fiber on their own. For the stomach with an exacerbation of an ulcer or colic, coarse food is contraindicated. It is not recommended to take fiber and people with increased blood clotting. Pregnant and lactating women should consult a specialist before consuming fiber.

When using fiber, keep in mind the following.
• A sharp increase in fiber in the diet can cause gas, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
• Dietary fiber absorbs water, therefore drink enough liquid - 1.5 - 2 liters per day. With little water, fiber can make constipation worse.
• With inflammatory processes in the pancreas and intestines, the process can be aggravated.
• With long-term use, fiber helps to remove fat-soluble vitamins and minerals from the body.
• With a significant intake of fiber, flatulence occurs.
• Lignin affects sex hormones by reducing testosterone activity.

Fiber content in some foods.
Products, 100 g dry / Fiber, gr.
• Bran 40 - 45
• Flaxseed 25 - 30
• Dried mushrooms 20 - 25
• Dried fruits 12 - 15
• Legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc.) 9 - 13
• Whole grain bread 8 - 9
• Various berries (blueberries, lingonberries, etc.) 5 - 8
• Avocado 7
• Sweet fruits 2 - 4


1. In the book "Fiber from diseases. Affordable miracle doctor of the organism "

Super! Thank you! Yu
Elena, Thank you so much !
lappl1, Lyudochka! You are a genius!!!
Looking at your irrepressible efficiency and ability to find something new - I understand that we will not be bored!
Tomorrow I'll go to my neighbor's for apples!
Lyudmila, you have done a tremendous job, very useful information and recipes! It remains only to go along the beaten path and we will be happy :-)
Borisyonok, cat !!! Thank you for such flattering words for me! In fact, it's all that simple. Our tea pushed me to do it!
Lenochka, I wish you a successful apple hunt!
Quote: ElenaMK
Lyudmila, you have done a tremendous job, very useful information and recipes! It remains only to go along the beaten path and we will be happy :-)
ElenaMK, Lenochka, thanks! I wish you an easy and good journey! It will be more fun to go together!
Lyudochka! Just great! And requires thoughtful study! I'll finish two temki and I'll dive! : girl-yes: Thank you for the anticipation of new and useful things!
Olyushka, and thank you very much for stopping by! And thanks for the kind words too. I am very pleased with your opinion! I would be very glad if you use my experience.

In fact, it's all so simple: I squeezed the juice, twisted the cake, dried it ... I just, as always, climbed into the jungle ...

Everything ingenious is simple, but you still need to think of this simple thing! Thanks for the interesting and useful information.
Feta, Sveta, thank you very much! I am pleased that you were interested! I would be very glad if you use this information!
LudmilaThank you very much !!! I will definitely make granules and powder. Only I don't have apples (my own), I'll try to make it from pumpkin and hawthorn.
Elena Kadiewa
Wow! With you, girl, you will not get bored! The energy of such people would be for the benefit of the state, that would be the case, but in our country ... "benefit" is not those people "bring". Everywhere "would" interfere!
Lyudochka, thank you! There are no apples in such quantities, but I will try with carrots, only there is no juicer, but you can replace it with something? Please turn on your brilliant imagination

and she didn't even spill a word about new ideas!

Lyudmila, thank you very much for your work and for what you shared with all of us!
lappl1, Lyudochka, and in fact I wrote in the message that you will offer us a new recipe and you were not mistaken. Clever, it's good that we have you.
The information is useful and necessary. , it's a pity the apple tree disappeared, you need to plant young trees. Several years ago I decided for myself that a juicer is not needed, and now I will have to buy it.
Congratulations on opening a new topic!
I could not pass by. You are a great fellow and a great worker. It's great! We don't have a garden, but I'll put it aside, it might come in handy. I buy apple fiber, it's very tasty with kefir
Ludmila, another exclusive experiment with full scientific basis!
Hats off and thanks for sharing!
Very valuable knowledge!
Quote: elena kadiewa
and she didn't even spill a word about new ideas!
elena kadiewa, "Agent of the Kremlin"
lappl1, Ludmila,
lappl1, Lyudmila, thank you very much for this topic and for the work done. This is very relevant and interesting.
Thank you so much for the useful information, but I was worried, how much cake is obtained ?! what to do? All ingenious is simple. I will definitely cook it. Thanks again.
lappl1, Lyudochka wonderful recipe! How much energy and ideas! The processing of products is thought out and healthy and tasty!
What a good topic! So much information. And I'm just mastering the dryer! Everything for me beloved! Thank you!
lappl1, Lyudochka! thank you very much for the great idea! You are such a generator of ideas!
Last year I also dried and ground some pomace. But that was just for the test. And this year, since the dryer, the meat grinder is constantly busy, and I keep rolling up something, I collect all the pomace in plastic containers and quickly freeze it. With the hope that now I will free myself and bring to mind, that is, to a powdery state of pomace from apples, pears, tomatoes and bell peppers (this is what I have in the freezer now).
Lyuda you are just the whole world !!!! How much new, unrecognized, unopened you have in you ... I'm just out of this information! You have such topics here on the forum - eternal! They require SO MUCH strength and attention that not everyone can stand it. And you continue to surprise us with new interesting recipes and information. Thank you so much for sharing. For such a presentation of the topic that is accessible to all. For not leaving anyone unanswered and always accompanying your Temko.
Elena Kadiewa
Tumanchik, she is, but OURS!
Quote: elena kadiewa

Tumanchik, she is, but OURS!
without a doubt!!!!
but so much energy ... it leads so many topics.
Lyudochka, I read with an open mouth. Now, when we have a very large harvest of cucumbers, and I collect them once a week, then naturally the sea has overgrown. But my husband and I drink juice from them in the morning. And we naturally throw out the cake. But now, after what I have read, my head is already spinning: cake, bran, meat grinder, dryer.
Thank you very much, thank you.
Wow! Lyudochka, I read everything with admiration. How interesting everything is written. Now I dream of a vegetable dryer. And the recipes go into the notebook "Recipes from Lyudochka lappl1". Thank you very much.
Lyudochka! Mouth and brains have not closed up until now! All the time I tell everyone about your exploits, ideas and experiments (I'm already tired, they look like a crazy person), people open their eyes and mouths and think how smart I am, how do I know all this? But you are the whole Academy of Knowledge. In all my 53 years I did not know even 10 shares of what I learned here (at the Gazebo) from you. THANK YOU for your knowledge, life experience, science. How nice it is to feel smart, skillful, omnipotent (all these adjectives are yours, and I ascribe them to myself. Forgive me).

But how did it all start? I just went to see the recipe for the bread maker! It was then that life had just begun!
lappl1, Lyudochka, you are like Columbus, discovering more and more new facets of seemingly famous products!
Quote: Guzel62
But how did it all start? I just went to see the recipe for a bread maker! It was then that life had just begun!
+ 1000000000000000000000
Ludmila, I am very glad to your new master class ..
In itself, it is great when people share their skills and finds .. you manage not only to share, but also to captivate !. Lud, well, you are a teacher to the core .. you see pedagogy in your blood and thinks out where to send the girls of bread baking))))
thank you so much
Lyudochka, you've got a full house again! Congratulations! Great idea! Thanks for sharing. I will definitely use it!
Lyudochka, thank you very much and how good it is that we have you.
lappl1, Ludmila, thanks for sharing! Definitely bookmark
Lyudochka, interesting, informative, useful, simple and ingenious, like all your recipes. Thank you. I am delighted and glad that we have you.
Irina Dolars
Lyudochka read with bated breath. So interesting! So educational! Healthy and tasty!
Thank you for such work! Now I also dream of a dryer to make everything come true Pomace products: 1) fiber; 2) baking powder; 3) tea additives; 4) tea substitute

I have a question :
You dried the pellets of apple cake ... Then you experimented with oatmeal - you scrolled it in a meat grinder and dried it again.
Maybe (if someone wants to repeat) the apple cake immediately twist with various additives, without subjecting the apple mass to secondary drying?
Fuck! This is creativity. I am also always attracted by the idea of ​​waste-free production. But I am a child of asphalt, we have never had a dacha with all its charms and is not expected (dad was a war invalid with one left hand, and the next generations also bypassed this topic for various reasons). I don't even have a juicer - I don't drink juices for dietary reasons - precisely because they are free of useful fiber. But I always read Lyudochka's recipes with delight and slight sadness from the inability to become an active partner.
Luda, just a dissertation And, most importantly, I want to immediately pick up this idea, as it is presented competently and enticingly. Thanks for the hard work
Pavla, elena kadiewa, Matilda-N, francevna, tany81, Premier, Light, Abricosca, hoziaika, Anatolyevna, lily_a, kubanochka, Tumanchik, Natalia-65, Lipchanka, Guzel62, Kokoschka, Vinokurova, Nikusya, Gaby, V-tina, marina-mm, Anna1957, Irina Dolars, niamka, oh, girls, dear !!! How pleasant it is to read all your messages and kind words about me and my observations. I am so glad that I have our Bread Maker and I can gladly share my experience. Only a year has passed since my first recipe, and the warmth with which all the recipes on our website are perceived has touched me too. For a whole year I have been swimming in this attention! This is so important when my experience is needed not only for me. Girls, dear, I will be very glad if this topic will bring joy and benefit to everyone. Thank you all once again for such an assessment of my work.
Quote: Pavla
Only there is no juicer, but you can replace it with something? Please turn on your brilliant imagination
Lenochka, I have already answered in the Gazebo about the juicer. I will repeat here. Once my juicer burned out after 3 minutes of work - it was not assembled well. While my husband was repairing, I twisted everything in a meat grinder, squeezed it out with my hands (even without gauze), and passed it through the meat grinder again. It turned out no worse, only it took a little longer to dry.
Quote: Irina Dolars
You dried the pellets of apple cake ... Then you experimented with oatmeal - you scrolled it in a meat grinder and dried it again.
Irina Dolars, Ira, no, I dried the granules only once. The first time I took raw cake and poured dry ground flakes into it. mixed, twisted in a meat grinder and dried in a dryer - once was drying.
In the second experiment, I took once dried granules and berries, and then I simply ground it all on a coffee grinder and mixed it without further drying. so everything was dried and spun 1 time.
This is the topic! Straight doctoral dissertation! You are with us, Lyudmila, Doctor of Useful Sciences!
Thank you for your work and presentation of information in a convenient and colorful way!
It's time for you to compose your book of healthy living recipes)
Irina Dolars
Ludmila, exactly!

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After night work, temporarily do not read informative information! I made a note to myself

There was a time when there was no starch in the store, but there was a huge harvest of potatoes, they made starch themselves, baked potato pancakes from the pomace, but how many of them were thrown away, there were no dryers.
In Chukotka, fresh potatoes were rare, but dried, like chips and powder, were constantly. Here, the pancakes were excellent from the powder.
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lappl1Thank you very much for your ideas, work and desire to share with us. Very relevant!
Lyudochka, no words!
I am delighted!

I have sea buckthorn on the way. Is it good, because there is a bone?
lappl1, I join all the enthusiasm and kind words Thank you for your work and desire to share your knowledge with us
Quote: Natalishka
And you can also make marshmallow from the cake;
Natalishka, thanks for sharing some very useful information! Beautiful and, I am sure, very tasty marshmallow!

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