
The term "drinkable" has established itself throughout the world for milk intended for direct consumption. Currently, enterprises could produce more than 20 types of drinking milk. They differ in the content of fat, dry skimmed milk residue (SNF - protein, sugar, mineral salts), fillers and the method of heat treatment. The temperature of milk upon shipment from the enterprise should not exceed 8 ° C.

Bottled, flask, from tanks and milk in bags and bags differ not only in the type of packaging. The packaging has a significant effect on the properties of milk, despite the exact same processing at the factory. Milk in bottles stays fresh longer than in jars, and in bags longer than in bottles. Due to the relatively large volume of the flask (cistern) and their insufficiently tight sealing, flask milk is more contaminated with microbes. This is compounded by the process of spilling it while trading. That is why it needs to be boiled before use.

Bottled milk does not require boiling. However, under the influence of light penetrating through ordinary glass, some of the vitamins are destroyed in it. Therefore, it is necessary to keep bottled milk in the dark. Milk retains its nutritional value better in opaque bags. When flask milk is boiled, its nutritional value decreases. After boiling, milk must be immediately cooled, in this state it can be stored. At home, it is better to do this: put a saucepan with hot milk without a lid in a large container filled with cold water, change the water after 10-15 minutes several times before cooling the milk. After the milk has cooled, the pot must be closed. Boiled milk should not be mixed with a spoon or poured into another container. In this case, microbes can again get into it and it will deteriorate faster than raw. Pots, spoons and strainers that come into contact with milk should be rinsed with boiling water. If these conditions are met, pasteurized and boiled milk lasts 1.5-2 times longer than raw milk. In the future, milk should be stored in the cold and dark.


A distinctive feature of its technology is heat treatment, which determines the color and taste of the product. When heated to a temperature of 95-99 ° C and held for 3-4 hours, the milk turns brown due to the formation of special substances (melanoidins) during the interaction of proteins with milk sugar. By organoleptic (color, odor, consistency) indicators, it is a homogeneous liquid without cream sludge. The taste and smell are clean, without foreign flavors not characteristic of fresh milk, with a well-pronounced pasteurization aftertaste. The color is white with a cream shade.
Baked milk can also be made at home. To do this, the boiled milk should be immediately poured into a clean thermos rinsed with hot water and kept in it for 6-7 hours. To obtain baked milk, you can also use a pressure cooker. When the milk heats up and the pressure cooker "fizzles", you need to reduce the heat and boil the milk for another 10-15 minutes. To form a foam, the boiling time is increased to 20 minutes.


characterized by a low fat content and a high milk protein content. During the preparation of this product, double standardization of milk raw materials is carried out in terms of fat and dry matter content.
The original milk is normalized by fat, adding skim milk to it or whole skim milk.To normalize the content of dry skimmed substances, dry, condensed whole or skim milk is added to milk in accordance with the recipe. The product is a homogeneous liquid without sediment, without foreign tastes and odors, white with a slightly yellowish tinge, acidity not higher than 25 ° T. It contains 4.5% protein.


especially useful for the elderly and anyone who is overweight. Workers in the processing industry explain the slow growth in the output of low-fat products by tradition: historically, they say, they are used to eating fatty foods. Many people think that low-fat foods are less tasty - hence the attitude of buyers. However, the taste of products depends on the technologists who process low-fat and low-fat raw materials. Simple devices such as a homogenizer, high-temperature pasteurization and other technological methods make it possible to give a low-fat product a delicate consistency, sweetness and even the taste of baked milk. Only experts, tasting new foods, can distinguish them from high-fat foods.


It so happens that you need to have a small supply of milk. In this case, sterilized milk is irreplaceable. Under this name, milk is produced that has been mechanically processed under pressure and heated to temperatures above 100 ° C. Sterilized milk, packaged in bags, is well preserved: at a temperature of 37 ° C - for 72 hours, at 20 ° C - up to 10 days. For sterilization, premium cow's milk, premium milk cream and fresh skim milk are used.

Sterilized milk in a bottle, hermetically sealed with a metal tight cap with a cork lining, outwardly differs from pasteurized milk only in its color, which has a cream shade. But the rest of its indicators are peculiar. It tastes more like boiled and sometimes melted. This milk is stored indoors for several weeks or even months. How is this achieved? Pasteurization of milk destroys bacteria, but their spores remain, which, under favorable conditions, turn into bacteria and can cause spoilage of milk. To kill spores, you need to heat the milk to a temperature above 100 ° C. that is, sterilize. Before sterilization, milk is homogenized - passed through a special machine under a pressure of about 200 atm. In this case, its fat globules are crushed, due to which, even during long-term storage of sterilized milk, cream sludge does not form, which often leads to a deterioration in the taste of milk. Milk is sterilized at a temperature of 115-120 ° C. For this, complex devices are used, mainly of continuous action.

Sterilized milk has a uniform consistency without flakes, white with a slightly yellowish tinge, pure taste, without foreign tastes and odors that are not characteristic of fresh milk. It must contain at least 3.5% fat and at least 8.1% non-fat milk solids.


is produced from whole normalized or skim milk with the addition of milk-vitamin concentrates. Vitamin supplements are ascorbic acid (medical) - vitamin C, a solution of vitamin A (acetate) in oil (200,000 IU per 1 g), a solution of vitamin D2 in oil <0.5%). 1 liter of the finished product should contain vitamin A 4300 ME, D2 - 1000 ME and C - 100 mg. Fortified milk should have a clean taste, without foreign tastes and odors, a uniform consistency without sediment and a white color with a slightly yellowish tinge.


thermized (heat treatment at a temperature of 60 to 65 degrees Celsius and exposure from 2 to 30 seconds);

pasteurized (heat treatment above 67 degrees Celsius with exposure up to 30 minutes);

melted (heat treatment from 85-99 degrees Celsius with exposure not less than 3 hours);

sterilized (heat treatment over 100 degrees Celsius with exposure, in accordance with the requirements of industrial sterility).

In addition, in the manufacture of milk or dairy products, milk raw materials are either defatted or, conversely, given additional fat content by adding milk powder (cream). Thus, depending on the mass fraction of fat, milk is divided into skim (0.1%), low-fat (from 0.3 to 0.1%), low-fat (from 1.2 to 2.5%), etc. ...


natural - without extracts and all kinds of additives;

normalized - milk, the properties of which are brought in accordance with the norms, which are established by the normative and technical documentation;

restored - milk (or dairy product), which is made from concentrated, condensed or dry milk with the addition of water;

- recombined - a product made from separate parts of milk (butter, etc.) and water.


It is produced in the following range:

WHOLE called standardized or reconstituted milk with a certain fat content - 3.2% and 2.5%

RESTORED called milk prepared in whole or in part from canned milk. To obtain reconstituted milk, whole milk powder is dissolved in warm water and kept for at least 3-4 hours to maximize protein swelling, eliminate watery taste, and also to achieve normal density and viscosity. The mixture is then purified, homogenized, pasteurized, cooled and poured.
Reconstituted milk is obtained by partially or completely reconstituting dry cow's milk with water and normalized in terms of fat.

HIGH FAT MILK prepared from standardized milk with
content of 6% fat, homogenized.

HOMOGENIZATION is an intensive mechanical treatment of milk in order to break the fat globules into smaller ones.
Then the milk is quickly cooled to a temperature not higher than 4-6 degrees and sent for bottling.
Milk is also sterilized. Such milk can be stored for a longer time. Milk activation is sometimes used. This sterilization method is based on the use of ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

HEATED is called milk with a 6% fat content, subjected to homogenization, pasteurization at a temperature not lower than 95 degrees and aging for 3-4 hours.

PROTEIN MILK contains an increased amount of dry fat-free substances. It is produced from milk, normalized in terms of fat content, with the addition of powdered or condensed milk. Protein milk is made by the additional introduction of skimmed milk powder and its normalization in terms of both fat (1%, 2.5%) and skimmed solids (11% and 10.5%, respectively)

VITAMINIZED MILK prepared from whole or low-fat milk enriched with vitamins A, C, D2. Fortified normalized milk is obtained by introducing ascorbic acid (vitamin C) or its salts after its normalization and pasteurization.

LOW FAT MILK - is a pasteurized part of milk obtained by separation and containing no more than 0.05% fat. Non-fat milk is produced by separating (separating) the cream and therefore contains only 0.5% fat. This milk is distinguished by the appearance of a bluish tint.

STERILIZED MILK... In taste, smell and color (specific taste of brown color) it is similar to ghee. Available in bottles with a fat content of 3.2% and in bags with a fat content of 2.5; 3.5%.


Condensed milk is obtained from fresh whole or skim milk by evaporation of a certain amount of water and subsequent conservation by adding sugar or sterilization.
The industry produces two types of condensed milk: with sugar and without sugar. In addition to these products, coffee and cocoa with condensed milk, condensed cream with sugar are also produced.
The main technological process for the production of condensed sterilized milk in cans is to pasteurize milk with its subsequent control in a vacuum apparatus at a temperature not higher than 55-58 degrees in the middle of the process and 60-63 degrees at the end. Then the condensed milk is cooled, poured into cans, which are hermetically closed. Sterilization and tightness of the packaging keeps condensed milk products from spoiling for a long time. All types of condensed milk are very nutritious and delicious due to the added amount of sugar.


• low-fat milk with sugar - made from skim milk
• whole condensed milk with sugar - obtained from pasteurized whole milk
• condensed sterilized milk in cans - prepared from fresh pasteurized whole milk by evaporating part of the water from it
• cocoa with condensed milk and sugar - produced with the addition of cocoa powder
• natural coffee with condensed milk and sugar - prepared with the addition of natural coffee
• condensed cream with sugar - obtained from fresh pasteurized natural cream and milk


Dry milk products are canned milk products from which moisture is almost completely removed. They contain no more than 7% moisture, due to which they are well preserved. For the production of dry milk products, two methods of thermal drying are used: film and spray.

DRY COW'S MILK We get it by drying fresh pasteurized whole milk.
Available in the highest and 1st grades. Only premium milk is subject to retail sale.
The taste and smell of milk of the premium should be characteristic of fresh pasteurized milk, without foreign tastes and odors. In milk of the 1st grade, a weak feed flavor is allowed. The color should be slightly creamy. In milk of the 1st grade, the presence of separate burnt parts of milk powder is allowed.

Such milk is not divided into varieties. It is prepared from skim milk.

They are produced by drying fresh pasteurized cream and cow's milk. Produce the highest and first grades. Powdered cream in a sealed package should contain no more than 4% moisture, and not more than 7% in a non-sealed package.



10-11% cream
This is a product in which 10 or 11 percent of the specific gravity is fat. Low fat cream is usually used for making cereals and desserts, and is added to coffee.

from 10 to 25 percent.
This cream is not whipped, it is added to sauces or, in combination with sour cream, is used to make salad dressings.

Bold, or double (for whipping), contain 33 percent fat.
Creamy creams are prepared on their basis.

The fat content of the cream determines its stability when heated and the quality of whipping. The higher the fat content, the more stable they are. So that when whipping you do not get butter (it's very simple - you just need to gape), you need to start with slow, smooth movements, and then gradually increase the pace. And keep the cream in the cold all the time - set the bowl with it on ice. Or, as a last resort, just pre-cool them. And again, the main thing is not to overdo it and not freeze the product.

It is better to throw away the frozen cream, and not waste precious time on it for culinary research.

milk of goats, sheep, buffaloes, mares, camels, deer, female mules, yaks, zebu, donkeys.

Goat milk is consumed in large quantities by the inhabitants of the Caucasus and Central Asia. In terms of its chemical composition, it is not inferior to that of a cow's, and in terms of biological value, even higher than it, since goat milk contains more highly dispersed proteins, and when it coagulates, more delicate flakes are formed. It contains more cobalt salts, which is part of vitamin B12.Goat milk contains more vitamins A and B, which are necessary for a growing body. Some peoples have a prejudice that when children consume goat milk, anemia develops - this is completely unfounded.

Sheep milk one and a half times more nutritious than a cow and contains 2-3 times more vitamins A, B, B2. It is widely used for the preparation of yogurt, kefir, cheese, butter and other products. It is used for food purposes in the Crimea, Transcaucasia, Central Asia and the North Caucasus. A lot of sheep milk is consumed by residents of Italy, Greece, and the countries of the Middle East. The fat of sheep's milk contains a lot of caprylic and capric fatty acids, which give milk a specific smell, which limits its consumption in whole form. Excellent cheeses are made from it - chanakh, Ossetian, Tushinsky.

Mare's milk - white, with a bluish tinge, sweet and slightly tart taste. It contains 2 times less fat than cow. However, the high content of lactose, albumin, globulin, vitamin C (6 times more than in cow!), Finely dispersed fat globules give it a special therapeutic and dietary value after fermentation into kumis. In terms of the ratio of protein fractions and in terms of lactose content, mare's milk is close to that of a woman's, so it is very useful for feeding infants.

Buffalo milk used mainly in India, Indonesia, Egypt, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Dagestan, the Kuban and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. It is a white, viscous liquid with a pleasant taste and odorless. Its biological and nutritional value is very high. It contains more fat, protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C and group B than cow's milk. Buffalo milk is used whole, as well as with coffee, cocoa. High-quality fermented milk products are prepared from it.

Camel milk has a specific taste. It contains a lot of fat, phosphorus and calcium salts. In desert and semi-desert zones, the population consumes fresh camel milk, and also prepares from it a nutritious refreshing fermented milk product shubat and other fermented milk products. Its consistency is thicker than that of a cow.

Yak female milk used as food in Altai, Pamir, Caucasus and Carpathians. It contains more fat, protein, and sugar than cow's milk. Zebu's milk is similar in composition to cow's milk, but contains slightly more fat, protein and minerals and slightly less lactose. It is used in Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Armenia.

Deer milk used by northern peoples, it is the most high-calorie milk. It is 4 times more calories than cow, contains 3 times more protein and 5 times more fat. When using whole reindeer milk for drinking, it is recommended to dilute it with water, since it has such a high fat content that not every person's stomach is able to digest it.

Dry soy milk

Dry soy milk is a cream-colored powder with a pleasant nutty aroma. Soy milk contains easily digestible proteins, which are necessary for effective human nutrition, growth and development, as well as during intense sports and other physical activity. Such milk can be recommended for children during the period of active growth, since it is almost completely absorbed, it is rich in vitamins, mineral salts (especially calcium and iron salts), which is important when using this product for disorders of the nervous system, anemia.
Soy milk powder is characterized by high dietary properties - it is recommended to include it in food for gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, diabetes mellitus. If children and adults are allergic to dairy products, soy milk should also be included in the diet, and if lactose is indigestible, use instead of powdered cow's milk for making drinks, cereals, soups, sweet pastes, mayonnaise, sauces,in confectionery, etc.

Rice milk

Take a glass of ready-made rice, add 2.5 cups of boiling water, grind it all in a blender until completely homogeneous, and then strain through a sieve or cheesecloth. This makes rice milk.
Stir in honey, brown sugar, or maple syrup very well.
If your baby is allergic to cow's milk, this is a very good substitute.

Coconut milk

250 gr dry coconut flakes
1 1/2 cups boiling water

Pour coconut flakes into a bowl, pour boiling water on top.
Let stand for 10 minutes or let cool water.
Strain through a sterile tissue and squeeze well.
Discard the used shavings.
The liquid thus obtained is coconut milk.


Milk should be a homogeneous liquid without sediment. High fat milk should not have cream sludge.

TASTE AND SMELL must be clean, without foreign tastes and odors not characteristic of fresh milk. COLOR WHITE, with a slightly yellowish tint, with melted - with a creamy tint, with non-greasy - with a slightly bluish tint.


The defects found in milk are caused by various reasons - feed, improper milk processing technology, violation of the regimes and terms of its storage.

FAULTS OF TASTE easily arise under the influence of bacterial processes. So:
- sour taste appears as a result of the activity of lactic acid bacteria;
- bitter - during long-term storage of milk at temperatures below 10 degrees as a result of the development of putrefactive microorganisms;
- milk acquires a soapy taste during long-term storage, when, as a result of the development of putrefactive microflora, alkaline substances are formed that wash over the fat;
- unpleasant tastes in milk can appear from feeding animals with fresh nettle, sedge, cabbage, garlic, turnip, etc.
- salty taste is formed in some diseases of the udder of animals

Odor defects most often caused by specific odors of feed or occur when milk is stored in an open container in rooms where pungent-smelling products are stored. Of the defamatory smells, the most famous are bread, garlic, cheese, etc.

FAULTS OF CONSISTENCY are formed as a result of the activity of some microorganisms. Dense consistency milk acquires as a result of the activity of lactic acid bacteria, mucous or stringy - under the action of mucus-forming microorganisms. As a result of the development of yeast, Escherichia coli and butyric acid bacteria, FOAM is formed in milk. When freezing, the colloidal state of milk is disturbed, as a result of which it stratifies - desalinated ice forms on the walls of the container, fat floats to the surface, and protein is concentrated in the central and lower parts. When thawing, flakes and lumps form in the milk.

COLOR FAULTS appear under the influence of pigmenting bacteria that cause redness, blue discoloration and yellowing of milk. The color change may also be caused by the presence of a certain amount of blood that got into the milk during milking due to the sickness of the animal.
Raw milk defects

academician, doctor of technical sciences V.D. Kharitonov, Ph.D. E. D. Shepeleva

The reason for the change in the natural color of milk, as a rule, is the use of a certain type of feed, as well as certain drugs. The ingestion of foreign microorganisms, yeast and molds into milk after milking can also lead to the appearance of shades that are not typical for normal milk (bluish-bluish, brown).

The group of defects in technological properties and consistency includes “sweet” or rennet milk coagulation, non-souring or premature souring of milk, “foaming” and “fermenting” milk. Milk with such defects is unsuitable for processing.

The most extensive group is made up of odor and taste defects.Usually a distinction is made between defects resulting from changes in the fat fraction of milk (breakdown of fat and phosphatides), as a result of changes in the protein fraction, as well as feed origin.

Rancid, or lipolysis, taste of milk, the most common among taste defects, is the result of hydrolysis of milk fat by lipases at low storage temperatures. It is more commonly found in milk from old cows. Butyric, nylon, caprylic, capric and lauric acids are “responsible” for the occurrence of this defect. The lipolysis rancidity in milk is very persistent.

During storage, an oxidized, pungent, astringent taste is sometimes observed, which is felt by the root of the tongue. This defect is caused by the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. As a result, unsaturated (with one or two double bonds) aldehydes and ketones are formed. The appearance of this defect in milk is facilitated by the presence of ions of copper, iron, selenium.

Under the influence of sunlight, milk acquires a greasy, oley taste, due to the formation of hydroxy acids from unsaturated fatty acids as a result of interaction with peroxides, as well as the formation of saturated acids under the influence of atomic oxygen. In the presence of traces of copper at elevated temperatures, pH 6.6-6.7, unpleasant metallic and fishy tastes can appear.

Under the influence of light, oxygen, vitamins B2 (riboflavin) and C, as well as copper, methionine, which is a part of whey proteins, is oxidized into methional, which gives milk a sweetish, reminiscent of turnip or cabbage taste, the so-called sunny taste. The end products of methionine breakdown can impart a burnt, malty or starchy flavor to milk. Malt aroma and flavor are also formed by the enzymatic breakdown of amino acids to form aldehydes and ketones.
As a result of proteolysis of protein substances by putrefactive bacteria and Escherichia coli, putrefactive, cheesy and musty aftertastes appear.

Forage defects are caused by substances that enter the milk along with the feed. Food odors and tastes usually increase during storage. Among the vices, the most common are the bitter taste and specific odor resulting from eating large quantities of wild onions and garlic with food; bitter taste and wormwood smell caused by eating wormwood; the presence of a large number of legumes in the feed (including lupine containing alkaloids) also causes a bitter taste; chamomile gives milk an unpleasant odor; with an excess of cabbage, turnips, radishes in the feed ration, milk acquires the taste and odors characteristic of these plants

To prevent the appearance of defects in milk, first of all, it is necessary to strictly observe the sanitary and hygienic regime for receiving, storing and transporting milk. It is necessary to control the quality of feed and feed rations, temperature storage conditions for feed. Frozen, moldy and heavily contaminated feed should not be used. To eliminate fodder odors and taste, milk is deodorized, while it is freed from absorbed chemical compounds that are not characteristic of milk. It is necessary to avoid storing milk in the light, as well as in non-tinned containers, try to subject it to stirring as little as possible.

The examination of authenticity can also be carried out in order to establish a method of falsifying milk and dairy products. In this case, there may be the following methods and types of falsification.

Assortment falsification can be done in the following ways: substitution of one type of milk for another; replacement of whole milk with normalized or even skim milk; substitution of one type of milk ice cream for another; substitution of one type of condensed food for another.

Substitution of one milk for another is very common when selling goat milk. Since goat's milk is closer to that of a woman's in terms of the content of bifidoactive sugars, it is sold at a higher price.Instead of goat's milk, they often sell cow's milk, which is almost close in organoleptic characteristics (taste, color, smell) to goat's.

There is also a substitution of natural (whole) milk for normalized milk. Since the fat content in natural milk can reach 4.5 and even 6.0%, replacing it with normalized 2.5% milk gives a solid income to the counterfeiter. I sold the milk and still had some cream left. You can distinguish normalized milk only by its fat content and more coarsely by color, or rather, by the yellow tint of milk.

Very often there is a substitution of condensed milk with sugar, concentrated or condensed milk sterilization. After all, if condensed milk with sugar contains only 26% of water and 74% of sugar and milk components, then condensed milk contains 73% of water and only 27% of components useful for the body. And naturally
It is profitable for producers to produce condensed sterilized milk and sell it under the guise of "Condensed milk with sugar", which is so popular with many consumers.

Since ice cream is in high demand in the summer period, counterfeiters immediately "slip" milk into us instead of cream ice cream, and the more resourceful ones can "swallow" it instead of ice cream.

But even more widespread falsification has flooded our market - this is flavored ice cream, in which there is no milk. Everything is made with flavorings, dyes and stabilizers. And instead of an ice cream, you are served with a piece of white ice whipped with air.

Qualitative falsification of milk and dairy products is carried out in the following ways: dilution with water; reduced fat content; adding foreign components; deacidification of sour milk violation of the recipe composition in ice cream, dry infant milk mixtures; inconsistency of artificial mixtures with human milk.

No food product is falsified in the same size as milk.

Most often, milk is diluted with water. In this regard, the German Schmidt-Milgiim said that if it were possible to collect the entire amount of water used to dilute milk, then a small ocean would form, but the ocean is so significant that the fleets of the whole world could take pleasure trips on this ocean. DV Kanshin gives the following data: in 1882 in Paris, 30% of milk sold was diluted with water. Well, in Russia it is difficult to find unfalsified milk.

There are the following ways to detect this falsification.

1. Mix milk and alcohol in a 1: 2 ratio. Shake the mixture for a while and quickly pour on a saucer. If the milk is not diluted, then no later than 5-7 seconds, flakes will appear in the liquid. If flakes appear after a longer period of time, then the milk is diluted with water. And the more water there is in milk, the longer it takes for the flakes to appear.

2. Milk with an admixture of water gives a wide blue ring at the walls of the dishes at the border, does not form a convex drop on the nail, it spreads, and if it also contains solid impurities (flour, chalk, potash, etc.), then it remains on the nail sediment.

3. It is possible to determine the level of dilution of milk with water using a hydrometer - a device for determining the density of a liquid. The higher the hydrometer floats in milk, the more water it contains. This method is also included in the current standard.

Decreased milk fat content. The most common and "innocent" counterfeit is selling skim milk as whole milk. The skimmed milk has a bluish tint, wateriness, a drop of it leaves an almost imperceptible watery mark on the nail. Such milk is almost tasteless and easily recognizable. At present, milk instead of 2.5% fat content has 2.2-2.3%. Fat removal in ice cream, cream and many other dairy products is also carried out in the same way.

Sometimes some unscrupulous producers, when restoring milk, commit serious violations: for example, ready-made skimmed milk powder is "fattened" not with milk fat, but with deodorized vegetable fats.And together with milk fat, milk thus loses important fat-soluble vitamins. It is almost impossible to distinguish such milk from natural milk by taste, since this requires a special laboratory test.

Adding foreign additives. In addition to water, starch, chalk, soap, soda, lime, boric or salicylic acids and even gypsum are mixed into milk.
To reveal the presence of these impurities in milk, it is necessary to strain some of the milk through a paper filter and add a few drops of some acid, for example, acetic, citric. Counterfeit milk, unlike non-falsified milk, will begin to bubble from the release of carbon dioxide.

All this is done to falsify or to prevent rapid souring. In fact, the use of these additives does not prevent milk from souring. And, most importantly, it often leads to food poisoning. Litmus test can be used to determine chemical impurities. If the milk is not diluted, then the blue litmus test turns red, and the red one turns blue.

The impurity of soda in milk and dairy products is determined by adding to 3-5 ml of the test milk or dairy product the same amount of 0.2% alcohol solution of rosolic acid. In the presence of soda, the contents in the test tube turn pink-red, and in the absence, orange.
In the absence of rosolic acid, take 3-5 drops of phenolroth solution (0.1 ml of phenolroth, 20 ml of 96% ethyl alcohol and 80 ml of distilled water) or 5 drops of 0.04% alcohol solution of bromothymolblow.
Without the addition of soda, milk with phenolrot turns orange or
♦ red-orange color, and the product containing soda takes on a bright red color;
♦ scarlet or crimson color. Compared to rosolic acid, the phenolrot reagent is more economical and stable during storage. *
When bromothymolblow is added, the product with soda turns dark green, green-blue or blue, without soda - yellow or salad color.
If acid (boric or salicylic acid) is added to the milk, then the blue litmus test will turn red, and the red will not change its color.
Some counterfeiters add sugar to sour milk so that the sour taste is not felt.
Starch and flour are mixed to make milk, cream and sour cream thicker. This is revealed simply: closer to the bottom of the dishes, the milk is thick, and besides, it is impossible to hide the flour or starchy taste of such milk.
If you boil the sediment of this milk, you get an ordinary paste. At the same time, mixed milk turns blue from the admixture of a few drops of iodine tincture, while pure milk turns yellow from such a reaction.

Continuation of the topic "Raw milk defects"

By the way, there is a concept "reconstituted milk "when milk powder is converted back to liquid milk using water, and then such milk is either poured into bags or used to make products. So, skimmed milk powder, having restored, is often "fattened" with vegetable fats, while in the overwhelming majority of cases the label of dairy products does not indicate that they contain vegetable fats and that they are made from reconstituted skimmed milk powder.

Due to the shortage and, accordingly, the high cost of natural high-quality raw materials, the habit of competing by price, not quality, technologists constantly come up with various economical recipes. For example, there is a GOST for condensed milk, which provides for the use of exclusively whole (raw) milk and sugar. But if you study the labels on cans from different manufacturers, then the majority of the composition will include powdered milk, and reconstituted, even butter, and almost always vegetable fats. Today, some factories make "correct" condensed milk mainly during the period when there is raw milk. The rest of the time, having assigned the name of the type "Condensed milk special" to condensed milk, many work according to their own specifications.

Thus, the beloved condensed milk became a victim of "legal falsifiers".On the one sold now in traditional blue-and-blue cans, so familiar from childhood, instead of the name "Condensed milk" it says "Condensed milk Special-1", "Special-2", "New", "Special", "Product" Condensed milk " and others. The jars, which do not differ from each other in labels, actually contain not "condensed milk", but sweet mayonnaise, After all, on the reverse side they have a composition that terrifies a common buyer: "dry vegetable cream", vegetable oil , soy protein, flavors, emulsifiers, thickeners. All these so-called "condensed milk" neither to milk, nor to cream, nor to real condensed milk, as it turns out, have nothing to do. It's just an emulsion of water, vegetable oil with stabilizers, emulsifiers , thickeners.

So, when buying "condensed milk" - be as careful and careful as when buying butter, and be sure to read the small print on the label, although it is written so that many could not read it.
For example, "Slavyanskie condensed cream with sugar is made from skimmed milk powder with the addition of sugar and vegetable oil," says the label on the products of Glubokoye Milk Canning Plant OJSC from Belarus. The following is the fat content of 19%, including milk solids of at least 35.5%. The label confidently answers the legitimate question about the origin of this fat in cream from skim milk - so from this very vegetable oil. In recent years, producers of "condensed milk" have generally taken a great interest in the creation of so-called "combined products", in which, in addition to expensive milk fat, cheap vegetable oils have been added. The Glubokoe Combine went the farthest and did without milk fat at all.

The falsification of ice cream can be judged by its appearance. If it has an uneven color, it was clearly stored longer than the norm (only ice cream with berries and nuts can have such a color, as well as the "marble" one, which got its name because of its appearance).

In no case should you eat sandy flake ice cream with tangible lumps of fat. Be wary if ice cream crunches in your mouth with pieces of ice and releases cloudy water when thawed. It means it was recrystallized during storage. And further. A quality product, unlike a counterfeit product, slowly cools the mouth and melts.

For feeding babies many firms have developed various dry infant milk formulas, which, in principle, should be close to the composition of human milk. However, without fully knowing the peculiarities of the composition of human milk, many infant formula causes various allergic diseases, increased body weight and many other disorders in children. Therefore, when choosing infant formula for feeding your child, give preference more to domestic developments, since they take more into account the nutritional characteristics of Russian children. They are not injected with palm kernel oil.
Quantitative falsification of milk and dairy products (underfilling, measuring) is a deception of the consumer due to significant deviations in the parameters of the product (volume) that exceed the maximum permissible deviations. For example, the volume of milk sold for bottling is less than the customer orders and pays. It is quite simple to detect such a falsification, having previously measured the volume with verified volumetric measures. Sometimes milk is poured into smaller bottles made of thick-walled glass.

Information falsification of milk and dairy products is a consumer deception using inaccurate or distorted information about a product.

This type of falsification is carried out by distorting information in shipping documents, labeling and advertising. For example, ice cream packaged in an opaque aluminum foil package is very difficult to evaluate in terms of organoleptic indicators: color, consistency.

When falsifying information about milk and dairy products, the following data are often distorted or inaccurately indicated:
♦ product name;
♦ manufacturer of the goods;
♦ quantity of goods;
♦ introduced food additives.
Information falsification also includes falsification of a quality certificate, customs document, bar code, date of production of milk and dairy products, etc. Such falsification is revealed by carrying out a special examination that reveals:
♦ how the printed documents were made;
♦ whether there are erasures, corrections in the document;
♦ whether the barcode on the product is counterfeit, whether the information it contains corresponds to the declared product and its manufacturer, etc.
Wanted to ask. Several times I added fresh live yoghurt (50-70 ml) of local pier to the French bread recipe instead of part of the water. combine. As a result, the bread did not rise at all (I put it at night, I don't look behind the bun). Yesterday I added 2 tablespoons of sour cream from the same manufacturer (left after making the cream for the cake, it tastes like normal store sour cream) - the result is horrifying - I have never had such a low brick!
For the night I put the same French bread, but on water (it always turns out perfect on water), even 3 tablespoons of carrot cake (a lot of this stuff left from the juicer) added, and everything went up perfectly. Do we produce "special" dairy products? Has anyone ever had this? Canned yeast preservatives? (On the GOST packaging, preservatives do not appear in sour cream) When sour milk is added, the result is also: '(bad. And store whey from the same manufacturer also works. What does this mean?

Musyanya, but this is only with the recipe for French bread or with others, too? I have not made bread on water for a long time, usually whey, potato broth, kefir, yogurt (of my own making) and if there is sour cream, then I add sour cream and always a good result.
Quote: Musyanya

Do we produce "special" dairy products? Has anyone ever had this? Canned yeast preservatives?

musyanya I have the same trouble with sour milk. There was no such thing that the bread did not rise at all, but it "sits down" unambiguously and concretely. Long ago I stopped trying to replace water with purchased whey and kefir. Their own yogurt and sour cream store, but sour, behave normally in bread, but for the rest of the sour milk has already noticed the limit - 3 tbsp. l. (regular). If more, then there is nothing to expect high bread. I don’t know what is mixed with these products, but yeast obviously doesn’t like being in the same dough with these "strangers".
tanya1962, I have the most frequent French bread, I don’t make bread with bran now - old flour is sold in our stores, it doesn’t raise bread without improvers, and you cannot find improvers in the afternoon with fire, and there are no other additives and rye flour either. Flour is suitable only for white, the cake still comes out well from Elena Bo, and the tall egg bread rises, and I don't try to repeat the rest. And in any mode, when the specified sour milk is added, nothing rises.
Zest, and my yogurt from a yogurt maker behaves normally in baked goods, and with someone else's sour milk the yeast apparently dies. It's scary to eat that. We are suddenly mummified from preservatives ?! I don't even try to ferment milk with store sour cream - it's a pity the milk, and who would dare to eat it later? And in the market where homemade sour milk and milk are sold flies are still flying, and tomorrow they promised snow ...
If we were selling normal bread and yogurt, I probably would not have bought either a bread maker or a yogurt maker - everything in the kitchen is cluttered with household appliances. And due to the fact that the store is scary and you have to plant household appliances. And since no progress is foreseen in the food industry, I'm wildly glad that I have a bunch of useful life. technology that feeds me.
So it was with me. I added the advertised Actimel, and the bread barely rose. Horror! Now I add only children's kefirchik.
This means that I was not the only one that happened ...
I would like to read the opinion of Admin more ...
My French on serum also did not rise at all. I have sinned in torment. I changed the flour and replaced 50% of the whey with water. The bread rose better, but also not enough and does not look like French at all. I made the whey myself from homemade market milk.
Quote: Musyanya

I would like to read the opinion of Admin more ...

Thank you for trusting my opinion.

I have not used sour milk from the store for a long time, see the composition on the package - normalized and reconstituted milk or a milk drink, with the addition of vegetable fats.
Recently I made a filling for a pie from a store sour cream, so it turned into a pie just into a white liquid and never baked, a beautifully colored pie with water inside. I had to throw everything out.

I am for homemade products as much as possible.

A lot of factors affect the rise of the dough - each individually and all in the compartment.
For raising the dough, whey never lets me down, I always keep it even in the freezer, cheese whey is especially good.
The rise is affected by water hardness, mineral water, etc.

There is another interesting factor - the test does not like the conditions of being in the bucket and the tightness in it.
I drew attention to the fact that with all high-quality products for the dough, it rises very weakly in the bucket during proofing, but as soon as you release it into free flight into the mold and into the oven at 30 * C, it immediately starts growing, and what kind.
That is, it turns out that the dough does not have enough time for proving in a bucket, it slows down, and the bread maker program transfers it to another cycle, for example, to baking, and it does not have time to rise, and is baked.

That is why I like to bake bread in the oven - the dough has complete freedom of action, I only help it, and it chooses the time of proofing and baking by itself.
From this, the taste and smell and shape of the bread are completely different.

So, watch the dough what it likes and under what conditions.
It's my opinion.
Admin, thanks!
Once one manufacturer mixed his starch into his sour cream, pensioners took it cheaply. A year ago, a truck (not a refrigerator) arrives in the yard, a flock of elderly people with jars gathers, and the driver, who is also a seller, walks around and yells at the whole district: "milk, sour cream, cottage cheese!" All day he travels around the yards and the milk does not sour in the heat ... And so every day. And sour cream with starch is in the shop, it is still common ...
I also noticed that in a free vessel, the dough rejoices - it grows and grows !! This is what I can say about the rum woman (winter palace).
I, too, on fresh kefir turned out bread lower than usual, but if you let it age for a couple of days, it’s very much even nothing.
After a lot of trial and error, I buy all the milk from just one local dairy. And the bread on their whey turns out to be gorgeous, and it costs 5-70 rubles per liter.
Still, it's all about the manufacturer.
Please tell me how to cook / make buttermilk for making bread on it. I have not seen factory-made buttermilk for sale in my city.
If the question is in the wrong topic, please correct the moderators. Searching the site failed to find anything. So far I was a reader - life forced me to become a writer. Thank you in advance.

Buttermilk and whey are waste (waste), that is, the liquid from the preparation of cottage cheese and other lactic acid products.

At home, in the absence of buttermilk, whey, you can dilute yogurt, kefir, sour cream (in a small amount) with water and stir.

The serum can be bought at the store, or at the milkmaid market.
Thank you! Buttermilk and whey are kind of different things. Here on the forum, does anyone make bread on buttermilk, and where is there anything on this topic?
Reverse - this is skim milk, 0% milk fat, it is not waste. This milk is sold and is considered a dietary product.
Serum - liquid from the preparation of cottage cheese.
Buttermilk - liquid from whipped butter.
Sold, 1% fat, as a dietary product, used for making cottage cheese.

There are a lot of recipes on the forum, just choose.
Feel free to mix and experiment yourself.

I often and constantly combine lactic acid products - cottage cheese, sour cream, whey and so on.

Look here for my recipes and choose for yourself what you like
I have never whipped butter, but by this I have not seen buttermilk and I do not know what it is. How is it replaced in baking or is it made at home?

I looked on the Internet, but I would like to learn more from the bakers on the topic, some tricks.

Thank you, Admin! I have read a lot on the site, I also use recipes from here. I think I'll just replace buttermilk with whey in the recipe.

You will do the right thing.

And about homemade butter, we have a special topic, and learn how to do it, and cook buttermilk yourself.
Check out the topic in the Homework section.
Admin wanted to ask. I tried to bake bread with whey, but it turns out to be bitter. Why?

roza5, whey can be cheese and curd, as a return from homemade cheese or cottage cheese.

This means that the cause of bitterness must be sought in milk, its quality.
The curd whey tastes fresh, the taste of curd.
Cheese whey tastes sour and salty.

The serum can be sour from long storage, etc. - there are many reasons.
Finally, you may be sensitive to the taste of the whey, it happens too.

I have not noticed any unpleasant taste effects in the whey bread. I store the whey in the freezer and take out a little as needed.

Try to taste the whey before adding it to the dough.

Good bread for you
no, she's not sour for sure. I made cottage cheese and baked bread at once. but the comrade is not bitter or anything. I take Klenevo milk with a 2-day shelf life. I like milk. in my opinion the best. By the way, it's a good idea to try the whey itself. maybe it's just that the father has a sensitivity to serum. thanks, I didn't think about it. I will keep in mind that this happens.

thank you very much.
Mata Hari
Can I ask a newbie?
I always use milk (if needed in the recipe). Tell me from practical experience, if you replace it with milk powder, what will be the difference?
Quote: Mata Hari

Can I ask a newbie?
I always use milk (if needed in the recipe). Tell me from practical experience, if you replace it with milk powder, what will be the difference?

Nothing! If you dilute milk powder with water (i.e. reconstitute milk powder), then it will work just like regular milk. But fresh milk is certainly better!

Liquid milk is liquid in the dough!
If you add milk powder to the dough, you still have to add water to the dough.
Quote: Admin

Nothing! If you dilute milk powder with water (i.e. reconstitute milk powder), then it will work just like regular milk. But fresh milk is certainly better!

Liquid milk is liquid in the dough!
If you add milk powder to the dough, you still have to add water to the dough.
[/ qGjuote]
Please tell me if you replace 1 st. l. dry milk with ordinary milk, how much liquid is needed and how much should the amount of water in the recipe be reduced?
Quote: goldenflov

Please tell me if you replace 1 st. l. dry milk with ordinary milk, how much liquid is needed and how much should the amount of water in the recipe be reduced?

If you remove milk powder 1 tbsp. l., then you do not need to add anything. A tablespoon of milk powder will not affect the bun in any way.

If you add fresh milk instead of dry milk, then take as much fresh milk as is required by the recipe for liquid.
Or it is possible to dilute milk with water in any proportion, but the total amount of liquid must remain within the range of the liquid required by the recipe.

There is a topic Replacing milk powder with regular
Uncle Sam
Quote: roza5

I tried to bake bread with whey, but it turns out to be bitter. Why?

And although the question was not asked to me ...

Most of the curd is made with the addition of natural products: rennet, starter culture of microorganisms, etc.
But in the USSR there was a recipe for "tea curd", which was made by curdling milk with a solution of calcium chloride. (who was given to drink calcium chloride in childhood still remembers this bitter-salty-bitter taste)
Accordingly, the whey remaining after the production of such curd tastes bitter.
There are two reasons to be happy:
1) your dairy is a reserve of Soviet GOSTs,
2) your bitter bread is a strong bone-strengthening.
hi! there are many recipes with powdered milk. the question is how to replace it?
Quote: Elena28

hi! there are many recipes with milk powder. the question is how to replace it?

Use the topic Table of Contents of the "Ingredients for Bread" section to search for ingredients and in particular the topic Replacing milk powder with conventional

You can not add dry and fresh milk at all, but replace it with another liquid - whey, water, kefir, juice, and so on ...
Admin Can you please tell me if it is possible to measure the fat content of milk at home? I buy milk from a private owner, the product is good, but I would like to get up to speed. I speak about goodness with confidence, because my milk mushroom lives a full life only from this milk, and from others it withers and dies. And is it possible to change the fat content?

I will not answer this question, I don’t know how it’s done.If you just ask your milkmaid to find out in the veterinary laboratory, she is obliged to donate milk for analysis, especially if she sells it on the side
Admin! Thanks for the tip! I completely forgot something about the special institutions, but my uncle definitely does the tests, I myself looked at the papers.
Romochka-Tanechka, I carefully read the whole topic. Very helpful and informative, thanks

I am looking for an answer to the question - how to keep a large amount of milk of 6% fat, bottled in plastic bottles.
What do you think, what if you freeze it directly in these bottles? And then defrost it as needed and use it to make curd and yogurt?
Tanya-Fanya, I always freeze milk, however, in plastic bags, but also in bottles, I think this can be done. I did not freeze bottled milk, and I always freeze whey in plastic bottles. I defrost the milk in the refrigerator or at room temperature, then shake the bag to distribute the contents evenly. Milk is obtained as just bought. I use it not only for cottage cheese and yoghurt, but also for drinking.

Well, here Zoya has already answered
Such milk "in lumps" of ice cream can then be used to cook porridge in a multicooker, with a timer mode. But then you need to freeze in portioned containers.

But, to be honest, after defrosting, milk changes its structure, I don't like cottage cheese and yoghurt from it.
As a way out - of course it is good to keep milk.
Quote: Zoy
I always freeze milk, however, in plastic bags
I also. I defrost right in the cartoon, cutting the package,: girl-yes: as soon as the milk thaws a little, I turn on the mode, the one in which it boils, and does not run away, that is, up to 100 * (Tanya, you can use * extinguishing * in Panasika), and then I use it as usual .... (it takes a few days ..)
Zoya, Admin, petuthank you very much for your experience
So let's do it.
Quote: Admin
It is better to throw away the frozen cream, and not waste precious time on it for culinary research.
why throw them away if the cream was frozen benign
and they are good in dough instead of fat components, and in porridge instead of butter - especially homemade cream
about their use in the manufacture of confectionery - I can't say, I'm not fond of, but I added homemade separator frozen cream to custard - great

in ice cream too

in mashed potatoes instead of butter

but what to list - no need to throw them away, a diligent hostess will find a worthy use for a good product
Quote: Irsha
Throw out the frozen cream
And sour cream from them. - I don’t know if it will work out, I didn’t do it, but you can try, because kefir fungi do not die in the freezer)
Tusya Tasya
It's not about the death of fungi, but about the fact that the cream, after freezing, stratifies into fat and buttermilk. Maybe they can be warmed to room temperature and beaten until smooth — until there was a chance to check.
Quote: Tusya Tasya
for fat and buttermilk
Likewise, if you freeze milk, then the first when defrosting, the cream is thawed (even sour cream is made of this - I read about this on our forum, that is verified , and then already milk water, which is used for porridge ... if you boil frozen milk, you can use it as usual .. And I wrote about fungi, because they do not lose their properties when frozen, and even cream and even more so , therefore, having sterilized, that is, bringing them to 96-98 *, I think that they will recover ... - that's what I wanted to convey ..
Quote: petu
if you freeze milk, then the cream will be defrosted first when defrosting
Girls and boys , surely someone has tried / uses this dry milk:

Different milk, cream

Good, can I buy?

And what is written on the packaging? What is the composition? Please voice
Quote: Krosh
someone tried / uses this kind of dry milk
I only take it, just in case of emergency, some time to cook porridge, it is at least (like) Russian-made - "Nevelsky Milk Canning Factory" LLC, not a naked china

And the composition of what milk?
Tanechka, composition: whole milk powder ...

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