Sourdough "The Simplest"

Category: Sourdough bread
Sourdough The simplest


Water 170 g
Flour 340 g
Rock salt 6 g
Fresh yeast 6 g

Cooking method

  • Before the advent of the bread maker, bread was baked not very often. There were a couple of recipes on yeast and a couple on "sour dough", as my grandmother did. There were no scales, everything was "by eye".
  • With the advent of HP, a lot has changed: there were more recipes, and a lot of ferments were tried, scales appeared, which simplified and streamlined a lot.
  • It so happened that I mastered HP just on sourdough bread.
  • Firstly, there was a need to bake from buckwheat, oatmeal, rye flour in the dominant, and you cannot raise them with yeast.
  • Secondly, for a sourdough bread, even if the dough has stood still during the rise, the roof does not collapse, but simply remains flat.
  • Thirdly. Overdoing it with the addition of sourdough and yeast (and their varieties) is not at all the same as a result and in taste.
  • Fourthly, there is a clear understanding of the freshness state of the leaven.
  • Fifth, ease of preparation. In the evening, kneading the dough, at night - proofing, in the morning - baking.
  • Sixth, until I watched the Admin film "About the Kolobok", it did not always work out with yeast bread in HP. Endless gratitude to Tanechka-Guru.
  • Before the wave of luck brought me to the Bread Maker ru, I had already passed some part of the way to bake bread. They have developed their own algorithms. Therefore, thinking about the form of acquaintance (presentation) with a version of one of my basic, unpretentious leavens, I looked to see what similar things are already on the site about leavens. Found:
  • Section: Starter cultures
  • A "quotation" version of one of the authors, whose recommendations I followed, adjusting my developments "by eye" to more precise schemes:
  • One of the author's readings of Richard Bertine:
  • Let's start with Step 1.
  • An important detail to consider when starting to prepare the starter culture.
  • A word of caution from Richard Bertinet:
  • "Another important point - before starting work, you should not treat the surfaces in the kitchen with antibacterial detergents ... Of course, you need to follow the rules of hygiene; but do not forget that, when kneading the starter culture, you are counting on the effect of yeast, which is saturated with the air. around a means to ensure the death of any known bacteria, wild yeast won't survive either. " (Bertine R. Khlebnoe delo. - M .: Astrel CORPUS, 2012.- 160s. (S. 49)
  • Step 2.
  • Sourdough preparation.
  • To prepare the starter culture, we need:
  • Water - 170 g
  • Rock salt - 6 g
  • Flour - 340 g
  • Fresh yeast - 6 g
  • HP program "Yeast dough"
  • After the end of the kneading, we take out the resulting dough.
  • Here is:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • It turned out 512 g of dough:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • We transfer it to a clean container of 2-3 liters with a lid (or into a bowl and cover with food wrap).
  • In a container:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • We cover with a plastic bag (cling film:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • You can fix it with a rubber band or just close it with a lid:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • You can simply close the lid if it is more or less tight. I always did it just with a lid. This time I will also try with the package
  • Put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
  • Step 3.
  • Sourdough ripening.
  • Sourdough the next day:
  • Side view:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Above. The bag is slightly stuck in the center:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Open breath of air:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Cover and again with a bag so that there is no contact with the dough. We close and refrigerate.
  • It took two days.
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • We open the lid. The package didn't stick:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • View from above. And a breath of fresh air for the sourdough:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Cover the top edge of the container again with a bag. We close the lid. And in the refrigerator.
  • By evening, the leaven will look like this:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • If you remove the top layer:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • We take 210 g of sourdough for the dough.
  • We have 300 g of sourdough left in the container.
  • Add 70 g of water and 140 g of flour to the remaining leaven. Stir, mix. Close the container with a lid and refrigerate (up to 3 days).
  • Step 3.
  • Baking bread with the resulting sourdough.
  • You need to start preparing for baking in 2-3 hours.
  • We put in the bucket of HP:
  • 270 g water (a little lukewarm)
  • 210 g sourdough
  • 6 g salt
  • 10 g plant. oils
  • 1h l. honey (sugar)
  • 420 g wheat flour
  • Let it stand for min. 30 (an hour is possible, if time permits. Almost autolysis)
  • Next - the "Yeast dough" program.
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • At the end of the program (I have it in 1 hour 25 minutes, here's the dough:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Cover the top of the bucket with a package:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Close the lid:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Let it stand for an additional hour. You can min. thirty.
  • Further. Kneading min. 5-10.
  • * After kneading, I remove the agitators. I moisten the stick with water before putting (or lowering the raised) dough, so that the crust does not break in the finished bread and it can be easily removed. Before removing the bread, you can turn the rotator at the bottom of the bucket.
  • If you usually do not remove the mixers, then we form the bread (or distribute the dough over the bucket):
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Cover the bucket with a package. The bag must not fall into the bucket. We close the lid of the bread machine.
  • On average, it may take up to 6 hours for proofing. If the apartment is warm, the dough can be separated in 3-4 hours. The ripening time is also influenced by the freshness and the activity of the leaven.
  • Occasionally you can peep into the stove. When the volume of the dough has increased at least twice, carefully open the lid xn, remove the bag.
  • With fresh sourdough, my bread has a maximum distance of 2 hours 30 minutes:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Turn on "Baking" for 1 hour (as usual, bake a kilogram bread).
  • Everything, ready:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Result:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • The bottom of the earthly bread with "navels":
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Incision:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Double:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Step 4.
  • Possibilities of using the starter culture.
  • In addition to using ONLY sourdough for making dough, this sourdough can be used as a "sour dough" by adding it to any yeast dough for bread to improve flavor and minimize the amount of yeast used.
  • * Since I used to remember how to work with the "sour dough" from memory of how my grandmother did it, the main method was trial and error.
  • Before reading books on baking, I tried to use any bread dough as "sour" (leavening). It is not right.
  • Bertine R. in the book "Own bread" gave the composition of the ingredients for sour dough: water, salt, flour, yeast. AND EVERYTHING! If you want to work without surprises.
  • (Bertine R. Own bread. - M .: Astrel, 2010. - 160s.)
  • The disadvantage is that to preserve a piece of "sour dough", you need to constantly make the dough from one composition of ingredients.
  • Our "The simplest leaven" can be used as a "sour dough" without the need to pinch off a part of the already finished bread dough. That allows you to bake bread according to different recipes.
  • We repeat the recipe for bread already baked in sourdough, with the addition of 6 g of fresh (1/2 teaspoon of dry) yeast. Here the leaven will act as an additional component - "sour dough".
  • Here is the future fragrant bread at the molding stage, after removing the stirring blade. On the palm of your hand:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • In a bucket:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • After brewing:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • The bread is ready:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Here he is:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • With a "navel":
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Incision:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Fault:
  • Sourdough The simplest
  • Step 5.
  • Top dressing.
  • 1. We have prepared a leaven, in which the ratio of water and flour is initially laid - 1: 2: 170 g of water and 340 flour.
  • (* There are also sourdoughs of 100% moisture (liquid). They contain equal amounts of flour and water.)
  • 2. For the convenience of using the sourdough and the ability to make calculations in recipes for bread and other baked goods, when feeding, we will adhere to the same proportion: 1 part of water and 2 parts of flour.
  • 3. The basic scheme (formula) of feeding almost any starter culture.
  • I found it in the book "Homemade Bread from a Bread Maker and Oven" and adopted it as a universal one.
  • (Dichenskova A.M. Homemade bread from a bread machine and an oven. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2009.220 p.)
  • "It is also important to remember the general rule for feeding the starter cultures: the weight of the feeding should be equal to the weight of the original starter culture, ..."
  • * After using part of the leaven for bread, we have 300 g of leaven left. According to the rules, we had to feed: 100 g of water and 200 g of flour.
  • There may be exceptions to the rules.Therefore, for myself, when working with this leaven, I made adjustments to the rules for ease of use. Not every day you need the same amount of leaven, the degree of its activity. Therefore, depending on what I need: increase or decrease the amount of leaven; preserve for conservation, sleep, awaken or activate, feed in different ways.
  • Above, I suggested feeding our sourdough: 70 g of water and 140 g of flour, according to the principle: "How much they took, so much they returned."
  • Most often I feed: 50 g of water and 100 g of flour. And even occasionally I allow myself: 30 g of water and 60 g of flour, and on average for 3 days in the refrigerator (optimal t * = 4 * -12 *).
  • The larger the amount of food, the longer the shelf life in the refrigerator can be.
  • 4. A warning from Dichenskova A. M.: "Please note that a glass of flour is 160 g, and a glass of water is 250 ml. We are talking about the weight of the food! Do not measure the initial ingredients for feeding with the same glasses and spoons!"
  • Until the scales appeared and the understanding of why they were needed, something like that was. Apart from other violations in the proportions "by eye".
  • Therefore, for feeding, we must weigh water and flour!
  • *** We will look for the rest of the necessary answers to the questions that have arisen on the pages of discussion, reasoning, additions and "bragging" based on the recipe
  • Let everything turn out delicious!

The dish is designed for

For 2-3 loaves

Time for preparing:

3 days

Cooking program:



* Examples of baking bread products in different devices with both types of possibilities for using the sourdough prepared during the preparation of the recipe.

1. Use ONLY sourdough in the preparation of the dough.
In the evening, I kneaded the dough on the existing sourdough, without adding yeast: wheat and rye. According to the recipe "Wheat Bread". In rye rye / wheat flour 50/50. Sourdoughs of 150 g. Received 485 g. Night of proofing. In the morning, bake in the little Princess (25 min for 3 and 5 min for 5):
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest

Sourdough The simplest
And with a side:
Sourdough The simplest
and in AF (30 min at 140 *):
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
2. Using sourdough and yeast in the preparation of dough.
Sourdough rye bread (420 g dough) with the addition of Baby Princess yeast:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Bread and dolphin baguettes (HP Moulinex 6002):
Sourdough The simplest

That's it, the sourdough recipe is ready, bread is on the table. I'm waiting for darlings-girlfriends, friends-comrades and guests-companions (from the French "compain", sharing bread together)
Marysya27How well you explained everything! What a job I did!
The master class is wonderful!
The recipe is good!
Marysya27, thank you so much for the sourdough recipe, and the bread is so fabulously fluffy !! to bookmarks...
Why yeast for leaven?
Anatolyevna, kristina1, ANGELINA BLACKmore - girls, thanks for your responsiveness
Why yeast for leaven?
Natasha, this is not a simple leaven, but "The Simplest"
In order not to be limited to baking only one type of bread, to obtain and preserve "sour dough", I decided to transfer this dough to the level of a leaven, which is always at hand for use in different types of dough, and less whimsical, but more sustainable. Easy to make, easy to use, easy to recycle.
I spent a lot of time and effort once on the search for the basis for "sour dough". I have found two versions for myself: Anna Kitaeva's - "acidified dough" made of water and flour; at Richard Bertinet - such a dough is made using yeast. Modified "for myself": changed the proportions in the proposed composition of ingredients and fixed in the form of a sourdough. For this starter culture, yeast is used once - during its creation. Have Bertine R. to renew the "sour dough" - every time.
The "simplest" sourdough has been serving for many years, it is not capricious. In addition to feeding, sometimes at my own discretion, I "enrich" it by spoiling both the leaven and myself
I also have a couple of "capricious" starter cultures: without yeast in the base, on honey - so that life does not seem like honey
Allochka, thank you very much for the recipe and detailed presentation,: mail1: Any bread you have is simply magnificent
"Eternal" is quite sour leaven (I even had to desalinate it when needed). She lived with me for more than two years, until she switched to raisin (because it raises the dough faster).
Yeast, like that, does not crawl down the throat at all because of their harmfulness (see the composition of GOST)
BUT, everything that I wrote is IMHO and does not contradict this recipe (I respect it, as to another religion)))))
Svetushka, Thank you
Quote: Marysya27
Light, and is not suitable for baking sourdough?
Quote: Svetlana777
fits ... it’s necessary to grow it, but I don’t have it yet (I’ve already thought about this option, but .. then I need to bake it at least once a week, but I need a month, and then I don’t have a month.)
This sourdough can be made faster and consumed by adding it as a "sour dough" to various breads and cakes. I will write options on how to add a little later. If you decide to leave, then you can complicate the composition of the leaven

"Eternal" is quite sour leaven ...
Natasha, knowledge about leavens and their varieties did not appear immediately. There was a time when I could not find anything about the "sour dough" either. Later I learned about the existence of "Eternal" and "Endless" ... and other wonderful leavens.
I think that in mastering ferments, many go through stages: how easy it is - how difficult it is - how easy it is. Someone may not succeed in more complex starter cultures, someone is generally afraid to approach and take on them. Someone needs the leaven for a short period, but to bother with the removal - "the game is not worth the candle."
"The simplest" will be easy for everyone, and then it can gradually be transferred to "The most difficult" or any other.
Gourmet fruits are obtained by clinging to a simple fruit tree.
Yeast, like that, does not crawl down the throat at all because of their harmfulness (see the composition of GOST)
Natasha, I really understand and accept the position And share
Instead of cooking with yeast (or some artificial substitutes) every time, it is better to add them to the starter base once without fear and continue your journey in any of the starter directions.
This leaven is also suitable for those who need it quickly.
At the beginning of the recipe, I gave a link to the topic of sourdoughs. I think that among the many recipes, everyone will find "their own" initial one, from which they will begin their journey in mastering sourdough cultures, and "their own" direction in which they will continue
Marysya27, a wonderful master class. 🔗 Otherwise I gave up my experiments with leaven. We must do it again.
Albina, So we will continue to stimulate the opening of the second breath
Allochka, how well you presented everything. Well done! I'll start your sourdough. I didn't like the raisin that Natasha writes about. She is sour and very troublesome. Yours was struck by the simplicity of manufacture. Tell me, how many days can she stand in the refrigerator? I bake bread once a week. Thank you for your responsiveness and attention.
Great recipe! Can you store such a leaven in the refrigerator only for 3 days without renewal? I rarely bake bread, I store rye in dried form, but it takes time to prepare, and sometimes I urgently want it. While I was writing, a similar question appeared.
ninza, swamp, girls, thank you for your attention and responsiveness. Of course, the starter culture can last longer than three days, much longer. On average, I plan to feed it once every three days. But the plans of the party and the deeds of the people do not always coincide
I will write in more detail one of these days about storage, today I hardly have time
The general scheme is simple: either do (feed) more - and it costs longer. I do this only when I need to leave for 2-3 weeks and have no one to leave. I don’t like to do that, part of the leaven should be thrown away in this case
Or halve the original amount of ingredients in the recipe and feed it a little bit (20g + 40g or 25g + 50g) every three days, if you don’t use it right away. Another option is to "sleep" the leaven, and then activate it the day before, or the night before use. I will write some more approximate schematics, but do it along the way.
I also think it is imperative to write about the options for using sourdough as a "sour dough", and how to calculate the right amount for bread recipes. Only gradually.
Masha Ivanova
Marysya27, Alla! Thank you so much for your work! For lazy people like me, this is a wonderful recipe. Not entirely without hassle, of course, but easier than many other starters. And given the fact that I used to bake exclusively with yeast and was lazy to re-read all the above topics, for me this is just a way out!
I hope that you will continue to teach those who have arrived at the Bread Maker over the past couple of years in baking sourdough bread, complicating the recipes very gradually. To at least learn this for a start.
Masha Ivanova, thanks for the words of support, Lenochka, made me laugh Found a lazy woman I have not met lazy people to read this and were found on this site
You are a hard worker, the most that neither is
And here's another wheat bread with the addition of wheat sourdough:
Sourdough The simplest

Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest

And wheat with the addition of rye sourdough (self-leavened):
Sourdough The simplest
Well ... to be continued
And ... the first one went with the addition of leaven

Easter cake without raisins:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
With raisins:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Cut of the smaller one with raisins:
Sourdough The simplest
I did it for my aunt I snatched it out for a photo what happened. Maybe I'll pick up better samples from another batch

Marysya27, uuuuuu, ofiget ..., classssss
Why yeast for leaven?
what for?
Sourdough for bread is an acidic (acidity pH 4.0 and below) dough containing lactic acid bacteria and wild yeast.

Have Marysya27 a good way to always have ready-made dough with industrial yeast on hand. It can be convenient. But this is not the kind of leaven in the conventional sense - without the addition of industrial yeast, not self-leavened.

And so, of course, dough dough it is always bubbly, lighter, it has a different smell, it is even more economical, since yeast multiplies in the dough and its initial amount can be well reduced.

But it is this sourdough based on industrial yeast, and not on wild, which makes it more stable and less capricious.
Irsha, thanks for the version of the explanation.Maybe so, it seems like debit and credit converge
I have never seen such a leaven anywhere, never read such a version of it, much less an explanation of its internal components and processes. So it was thought up on the basis of those scraps of knowledge about leaven, which was also by chance.
I was looking for how to make sour dough. Grandma was no longer there to ask. Aunt, after the yeast became available, did not want to hear about sour dough. Or maybe she didn't know what and how.
Kitaeva A. et al. Read that there is such a dough - acidified dough made of water and flour. And that's all. And how to sour - how to use in what ratio with other ingredients
In Bertine R. found a version of how to make sour dough and how to use it (at the beginning of the recipe, the second "quotation" link). Had another source come across, maybe the "Most Simple" leaven would not have appeared over time.
I used this version for a long time. Keeping sour dough by pinching off a piece of dough is fed up. Therefore, a different method of preserving it was gradually invented, by mixing. Then, when books appeared, in which one could read about different leavens, she came off to the full. Improved the feeding scheme for her favorite.
And now my first one with me Survived everyone I enrich her sometimes with a change of flour or a self-leavened leaven-sister from the same Bertine R., so that from one father And others, from other "families" and from other "fathers" live side by side in the refrigerator for a change, usefulness and creativity. And they are friends.
Ira, thanks again for the version of the explanation Now everything is "not just like that", but reasonable.
Hello everyone
And me with a wheat bread with sourdough from AFochka (dough 493 g):
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
From HP:
Sourdough The simplest
And baguettes from HP (blank 80 g each):
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Marysya27what delicious buns and bread, young ..
Thank you! Very timely and informative!
kristina1, kolobok123, girls See you soon I'm preparing a recipe for one of my favorite breads with this sourdough. I will wait for a visit
Marysya27, thanks, I'm already preparing for the invitation ...
Quote: Marysya27
girls See you soon I'm preparing a recipe for one of my favorite breads with this sourdough. I will wait for a visit
Allochka, and I'm already here and waiting.

Allochka, I have another question. You can make a sourdough from half: water - 85 g, flour - 170 g, salt - 3 g, yeast - 3 g? I don't need much leaven. You don't need much for small bread 400-500 g. Thanks and I look forward to hearing.
ninza, Ninochka, smart girl You wrote everything correctly: boldly halves, quarters, etc. And proceed
* If you make a batch, then for your portion you can take a little less than 150 g of flour. 20 g of flour, if necessary, then add to the dough when kneading the dough for bread. So it will be more convenient to work with a small portion.
But this is optional
Quote: ninza
... I'm already here and waiting.
Thank you for your responsiveness. In a couple of days it will be already, I am finishing
ninza, Ninochka, how are things going with the leaven there?
I'm with bread This is not what I promised, but also
Potato bread with sourdough pepper (450 g dough) from the little Princess:
Sourdough The simplest
And he is from HP Moulinex (dough about 850 g):
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Allochka, now there is no time. I think I'll put in the leaven next week. Please tell me if you can put a smaller diameter mold in a large princessa to bake your 500 grams of bread. We just don't need a big one. I think this bread will be tastier than cold cakes. While there is no leaven, I will bake your little bread with yeast for testing. Thank you, my dear, for your care and attention.
ninza, Ninochka, I'm sorry, I thought that you were going to put the leaven on May 4. That's why I asked
Quote: ninza
... is it possible to put in a large princess mold with a smaller diameter to bake your 500 grams of bread.
Just let the dough stand out as much as possible in the form that will initially be delivered to the Princess.
Then bake from the walker (on average: 15 '- on, 15' - off).
And what is the diameter of the form? Considering that Princess Mama is lower, then cm 26-28 is needed.
Allochka, I didn't understand why to excuse you. Thank you, my dear, for your attention and help. I have two suitable molds: glass for 26 and coated for 27. Tell me, do you need to lubricate them? Thank you again for the advice that was very valuable to me.
ninza, Ninochka, made of glass It takes a long time to warm up. The top can burn in the Princess while the bottom heats up. It is also for cooking back and forth, but for baking it is not the best option, unless you have already baked in it in the Princess and everything is ok. You need a silicone or coated mold. If non-stick, then no need to lubricate. Proceed as you would for ordinary baking.
Allochka, thanks. I got it.
Quote: Ljna
Today potato bread with sourdough pepper. Dough 450 g. Bake 30 'by 3:
Marysya27, tell me where to see the recipe
Ljna, Evgeniya, to me on "you"
We look at it while here I have not yet issued a recipe:

Option 1. Yeast version. For 1 kg bread.
Knead 100 g of boiled unsalted potatoes
Add 100 g of broth (water in which potatoes were cooked or just warm water)
We make mashed potatoes (200 g). Cool to a warm state. We put it in a bucket.
200 g milk (already sour milk or water)
1-2 tbsp. l. rast. oils
10 g rock salt
1 tsp honey (or sugar)
1/4 - 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
560 g (+/- 20 g) wheat flour
12 g fresh (or 1.5 tsp dry) yeast
What can be changed:
* If the puree is the remainder of the previously cooked. We take 200 g and consider that there are 100 g of liquid and 100 g of potatoes. We correct the gingerbread man.He will still need to be looked after.
* If we have ready-made puree, for example, 180 g, then: 200 g (according to the recipe: 100 g of water and 100 g of potatoes) - 180 g (available: 90 g + 90 g) = 20 g (difference). This means that we add another 10 g of water and 10 g to flour to the liquid in the dough.
If there is a little more ready-made puree, it works according to the same scheme, only the remainder (1: 1) will be subtracted from the amount of liquid and flour.
* If the finished puree is already salted, then add half or 2/3 of the salt according to the recipe to the dough.
* Up to 1/3 of the required amount of flour can be replaced with non-cereal flour or rye.
* We do not put the flour in the HP bucket all at once. We start with 500 g. At the very beginning of the kneading, the dough may look like dry. This will go to the middle (end) of the batch. You need to focus on the bun and add flour as needed.
* In the oil that is part of the dough, we can tame the onion (1 medium onion) in a frying pan until golden brown. And you can grind pepper there too. Then add everything together into the dough.
Now about the leaven.
Option 2. Only sourdough bread.
* Sourdough not d. B. peroxide.
* For a kilogram bread, an average of 200 g of sourdough is needed.
* If the ratio of water / flour in the leaven is 1/2 (as in "The Simplest"), then for the convenience of the calculation we will take 210 g of sourdough, that is, it will contain 70 g of water and 140 g of flour. Then we do everything as in the yeast version of bread, only instead of 200 g of milk we take 130 g. And instead of 560 g (+/- 20 g) of flour, we take 420 g (+/- 20 g) of flour.
* If you have a liquid leaven, the water / flour ratio is 1/1, then we take 200 g of the leaven, that is, it will contain 100 g of water and 100 g of flour. Then we do everything as in the yeast version of bread, only instead of 200 g of milk we take 100 g. And instead of 560 g (+/- 20 g) of flour, we take 460 g (+/- 20 g) of flour.
* The version of bread "only with sourdough" can be made with a greater proportion of CZ or rye flour than yeast flour, that is, half (or completely) from CZ or rye flour.
Option 3. We make a yeast version of the bread and add sourdough (1: 2) from 100 g to 200 g for taste, without changing anything in the recipe.
In this case, the bread will turn out to be more than 1kg.
* We prepare the yeast version of bread (in both cases) using the main program "Wheat bread"
* Starter version.
"Yeast dough" program.
At the end of the program, knead again.
We shape the bread.
Proofing on average from 3 to 6 hours (depending on the degree of activity of the starter culture and the heat condition in the room). Be guided by the rise of the dough in a bucket (it should approximately double).
Next, the program HP "Baking"
* If we are going to bake bread in Tortilla, then we divide the initial amount of recipe ingredients by 2.
* If you have any questions, please
The little Princess bread in question is here:
Sourdough The simplest
The bottom:
Sourdough The simplest

Hello girls And I again brought sourdough bread from HP and Tortilla for temptation
Many pictures here

CZ in a bucket:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
In the context of the crust:
Sourdough The simplest

Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
CH with a brick with the addition of rye and wheat flour:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
A piece:
Sourdough The simplest
Announcement. Coming soon in recipes!
CZ with dried apricots:
Sourdough The simplest
Baguette cut:
Sourdough The simplest
Rye with raisins from HP:
Sourdough The simplest
From Tortilla with a cut:
Sourdough The simplest
I will wait for a visit

ninza, ninochka, girls, this time already with the previously promised, on leaven. Delicious:

Bread "Sourdough rye with raisins and caraway seeds" (Tortilla Chef Princess 118000 baking machine) (Marysia27)

Sourdough The simplest
And also a bite to eat:

Sourdough wheat-rye bread (Tortilla Chef 118000 Princess baking machine) (Marysia27)

Sourdough The simplest
Here's just bread, also from Tortilla, according to the same recipe, only without sesame seeds:
Sourdough The simplest
Hello everyone
I decided to visit myself See, maybe someone came to visit
Wheat bread with sourdough in KhP: after kneading it stood overnight, in the morning - delicious
Sourdough The simplest

The bottom:
Sourdough The simplest
Crust cut:
Sourdough The simplest
A piece:
Sourdough The simplest

Marysya27, I will report))), the sourdough lives in my refrigerator for about 2 weeks, I baked bread several times already. Now I prefer bread baked in the oven, but now I am lazy, I use this leaven in a bread maker. He leaves me for less than 6 hours. The bread is good.
shoko11, Elvira,
Thank you for the report. I will also wait for the brags with bread
A little later I will add details for feeding and calculating the amount
Sourdough rye bread made from HP Moulinex 6002
Sourdough The simplest

Sourdough The simplest
The bottom:
Sourdough The simplest
Baked for a hotel, so without a cut

And I also made wheat with sourdough in RZ:
Sourdough The simplest

Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
This swallow in the blank - 700 g In the dough was added 2 tbsp. l. rast. oils. Sugar, no honey.

Join us
From the topic about Tortilla
Quote: KLO
Marysya27, A beautiful ala-epi turned out! and a cutter. It's a pity there is no recipe for the test.
The answer is "bohemian"
Hello everyone New arrivals
We baked yesterday with a little Princess a la epi (a kind of baguette in the shape of a spikelet). Wheat on the "Most Simple" sourdough with flax grains. As well as baguettes and breads in HP.
Now in order
Serum - 270 g
Sourdough - 200 g
Salt - 10 g
Rust oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Wheat flour - 480 g (+ 2 tbsp. L.)
I put everything in a bucket. I took the sourdough for feeding. From it I took 200 g. That is, I did not activate the leaven in advance. Therefore, at first I put on the program "Yeast dough". After the end of the program, I left it to stand for 1-1.5 hours.
Then I turned on the same program again. In the course of the batch, I added 2 more tbsp. l. flour. After the end of the batch, the program was stopped.
Formed 8 baguettes in a blank of 100 g for Moulinexochka:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Here's what I managed to capture:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
234 g of dough left:
Sourdough The simplest
I decided to make a little à la epi in the Princess.
She formed the basis for both ballet:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Straightened the seam:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Let's start molding
We put the roller on the lower frying pan:
Sourdough The simplest
Next, we make cuts with a piece of a plastic bank card, almost cutting to the end:
Sourdough The simplest
And unfold the slice with the cut side up:
Sourdough The simplest
We continue in the same spirit:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
And we finish the process:
Sourdough The simplest
Smeared the surface of the rast. butter and sprinkled with flax seeds:
Sourdough The simplest
She defended for 1.5 hours. But you may need more, you need to watch
Baked cold: 5 'by 5, 15' by 3, 10 'by 4:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Due to the fact that the Tortilla is closed, the product does not dry out. The crust is thin and crispy, the crumb is soft
Since the baguettes ran out almost immediately, I decided to put the dough again today according to the same recipe. The leaven was fed yesterday, but not activated. I also used yesterday's mixing scheme. Only ...
After the first end of the program and a short additional parting, I saw that I needed to add a little more flour. Instead of re-kneading on the "Yeast Dough" program, I put the dough for kneading on the "Wheat Bread" program (I pressed the wrong button, well, so as not to torment the button again, I stopped at the nearest suitable program) I went to get flour. Distracted by an urgent matter "for 5 minutes." Came back in 20 minutes. before the end of the program
I thought we would eat crackers. Since there was not enough time for parting for sourdough bread.
But, instead of baguettes, we will eat bread.Pechechka did not disappoint, except that I didn’t remove the stirrer
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
I will try to make the epi a recipe, but for now so. Join us
Quote: Marysya27
Next, we make cuts with a piece of a plastic bank card,
Marysya27 Thank you! I figured out the baguettes, now I will add a bank card to the case.

The lazy tips section is just right

KLO, I also have different scrapers.But even if they are available, a bank card and derivatives from it are also always nearby:
Sourdough The simplest
for the convenience of forming products of different sizes.
For example:
Today rye-whole grain with sourdough:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Hello everyone. Today are pies with cherries on the "Most simple" sourdough with added yeast.
Sourdough The simplest

It was necessary to bake urgently, there was no time to activate the leaven, so I added yeast.
For the test:
Water - 250 g
Sourdough - 200 g
Salt - 1 tsp
Sugar - 120 g
Vanilla sugar - 2 sachets (20 g)
Rust oil - 100 g
Wheat flour - 480 g
Fresh yeast - 10 g
(or dry 1.5 tsp)
Kneading on the "Yeast dough" program. After the end of the program, only the batch was switched on again. Added more flour spoons 3. You need to look at the kolobok.
I made 30 g dough blanks:
Sourdough The simplest
Pie base:
Sourdough The simplest
It happens that I make the dough a little sweet:

Sourdough The simplestWild cats cherry pies (Tortilla Chef 118000 Princess bakeware, DeLongy XU 440 mini oven, Philips HD 9220/20 air fryer)

Then I add sugar to the filling. Today the dough is sweet, so I didn't add sugar to the filling. I took cherries from the preserves for jam: cherries, covered with sugar, stood overnight. There was not much sugar, the cherries remained with sourness:
Sourdough The simplest
I added a spoon for the spices of flour so that the juice would not flow out:
Sourdough The simplest
Cherry today at 4:
Sourdough The simplest
Swaddling (bottom of the pie):
Sourdough The simplest
Blanks of pies in the little Princess:
Sourdough The simplest
After 35 min. lifting:
Sourdough The simplest
Baked 20 'for 3 and 10 minutes. at 4. Since the dough is sweet, then with ten minutes at 4, I got excited about 30 'by 3 and stood for a little more.
After baking, I smeared the top with tea leaves with sugar.
After baking:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Break off:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Oven blanks:
Sourdough The simplest
Parted for 35-40 minutes. Baked preheated to 180 * 35 minutes:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
After baking, I smeared the top of the pies with tea infusion with sugar.
Form after baking. There are almost no smudges, despite a good number of cherries:
Sourdough The simplest
On a tray:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest

And sourdough wheat bread with the addition of rye flour from Mulineksochka on a long-term cooking program:
Sourdough The simplest
At the separation it would be necessary to hold it longer, as indicated by the shape of the incision.But it was necessary to quickly. The incision was still hot:
Sourdough The simplest
The same bread after working on the mistakes. Stopped the long-term cooking program before baking to allow a better distance. More often than not, you don't have to. But sometimes it happens asynchronous. As with the bun, you need to look
Here's what happened:
Sourdough The simplest

Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest

Wheat bread with sourdough:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
This bread is only leavened. I kneaded it and immediately put it in a bag and in the refrigerator (I had to run away). The next day I put it on a batch. I added a little flour. Parted for 2 hours.
Still wheat with sourdough, no cut Expropriated
Sourdough The simplest
And here's another:
Sourdough The simplest
Please tell me, on what flour to cook the sourdough itself?

yu-yulichka, I joyfully greet this leaven on wheat flour And bread on this leaven can be baked from almost any flour To me on "you"
Hello everyone
I am with Tortilla bread and baguettes with onions and potato broth:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Hello everyone
Today we have sourdough rye bread:
Sourdough The simplest
And I invite you to look at the ciabatta:

Ciabatta Tortillana (Tortilla Chef 118000 Princess Baking Appliance) (Marysia27)

Sourdough The simplest
lettohka ttt
Allochka, bread is a lovely sight!
Uraaaa! The first swallow has arrived! Look how great it turned out
Quote: Completion
... hopefully nice!
Rift and cut.
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Do you recognize? "The simplest" and a ciabatta based on it from the cousin. Thank you!

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers