
GOST R 51785-2001


The terms established in the standard are arranged in a systematic order reflecting the system of concepts in this area of ​​knowledge.

One standardized term is established for each concept.
Unacceptable synonyms are given in parentheses after the standardized term and are marked with the label "Ndp".

The part of the term enclosed in parentheses can be omitted when using the term in documents on standardization, while the part of the term not included in parentheses forms its short form.
The presence of square brackets in a terminology entry means that it includes two terms that have common terminology.

In the alphabetical index, these terms are listed separately with the article number indicated.

The above definitions can, if necessary, be changed by introducing derived signs into them, revealing the meanings of the terms used in them, indicating the objects included in the scope of the concept being defined. Changes should not violate the scope and content of the concepts defined in this standard.

Standardized terms are in bold, their abbreviated forms in the alphabetical index are in light, and synonyms are in italics.

1 area of ​​use

This International Standard specifies terms and definitions in the field of bakery products. The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation and literature on bakery products included in the scope of standardization work and / or using the results of these works.

2. Terms and definitions

General concepts

1.bakery product: A product produced from the main raw material for a bakery product or from the main raw material for a bakery product and additional raw materials for a bakery product. Note - Bakery products include: bread, bakery product, small-piece bakery product, low humidity product, pie, pie, donut.

2.Nomenclature unit of bakery products: Bakery products produced according to one regulatory document and meeting the same requirements for safety indicators.

3.Shaped bakery product: A bakery product baked in a baking dish.

4.hearth bakery product: A bakery product that is baked on a baking sheet, on the bottom of a baking chamber or cradle. Note - It is allowed to bake a hearth bakery product on corrugated baking sheets or pans.

5.bread bakery product: A bakery product containing 14% or more sugar and / or fat according to the recipe to the flour mass.

6.bakery product of low humidity: A bakery product with less than 19% moisture. Note - Low humidity bakery products include: ram products, crackers, croutons, crispbreads, straws, bread sticks. bakery product: A bakery product intended for preventive and therapeutic nutrition.

8.national bakery product: A bakery product characterized by the use in the recipe of raw materials characteristic of certain nationalities and / or a characteristic form and / or method of baking.

9.The bakery product mastered by the enterprise: A bakery product produced for the first time at this enterprise.

10.packaged bakery product: A bakery product placed in a container, the inlet of which is welded, rolled up, pinched by a clip or closed with a lock, which protects the product from damage and loss.

11.transport packaging (bakery product): Packing a baked product in boxes, boxes or containers, allowing the product to be transported without damaging its appearance.

12.bakery semi-finished product: A semi-finished product prepared from the main raw material for a bakery product or from the main raw material for a bakery product and additional raw material for a bakery product, intended for sale and subject to processing to turn it into a finished product.

13. chilled [frozen] dough: Chilled [deep-frozen] dough to be sold in packaged form.

14.frozen dough piece: Deep-frozen dough piece.

15. nutritional value (bakery product): A complex of properties of a bakery product that meet the physiological needs of the human body for energy and basic nutrients.

16.biological value (bakery product): An indicator of the quality of the food protein of a bakery product, reflecting the degree to which its amino acid composition meets the needs of the human body for amino acids for protein synthesis.

17.energetic value (bakery product) (Ndp. Calorie content of a bakery product): The amount of energy released in the human body from the nutrients of a bakery product to ensure its physiological functions.

18. batch of bakery products: Bakery products of the same name, produced by one team in one shift. Note - In the batch dough preparation process, a batch of bakery products is considered to be bakery products of the same name, produced by one team in one shift from one portion of dough.

19.period of realization (unpackaged bakery product): The time interval for the sale of a bakery product from the moment it is removed from the oven, established by regulatory documents for bakery products.

20.maximum aging period (bakery product): The time interval for holding the bakery product at the manufacturing plant from the moment of removing its oven from the oven to transferring it for sale. Organoleptic indicators of the quality of bakery products

21. crumb condition: Characteristics of the crumb of bread, baked goods, small-piece bakery products, including mixing, baking and porosity.

22.promes (bakery product): The state of the crumb of a bakery product, characterized by the absence of unmixed raw materials.

23.bake (baked goods): The state of the crumb of a bakery product, typical for this type of bakery product.

24.porosity (baked goods): The internal state of the crumb of a bakery product, characterized by the presence of pores of different sizes, determined visually or instrumentally.

25. crumb structure (puff pastry): Characteristics of the state of the crumb of a puff bakery product.

26.internal state (low humidity bakery product): The condition of the inside of a baked product with low humidity, as determined organoleptically.

27.fragility (low moisture bakery product): Characteristic of a bakery product with low humidity, reflecting the ability of the product to break down with little deformation. Note - Fragility is determined organoleptically by a complex of tactile, visual and auditory sensations.

28. full swelling (low humidity bakery product): The ability of a baked product with low humidity to bind water until a homogeneous soft consistency is obtained.

29.wetness (low humidity bakery product): The ability of a low-moisture bakery product to bind water enough to chew freely. Raw materials and semi-finished products of bakery production

30. main raw materials (for bakery products): Raw materials for a bakery product, which is a necessary component of a bakery product. NOTE The main raw materials are: flour, cereals, baker's yeast or chemical leavening agents, salt and water.

31.additional raw materials (for bakery products) (Ndp. Auxiliary raw materials; auxiliary raw materials): Raw materials for a bakery product, used to ensure specific organoleptic and physicochemical properties of a bakery product.

32.Bakery Improver: Food additive or mixture of food additives that improves the properties of the dough and the quality of baked goods.

33.Baking properties of raw materials: The ability of raw materials for a baked product to influence the quality of a baked product.

34. semi-finished product of bakery production: A semi-finished product prepared from certain types of raw materials for a bakery product and subject to further processing to turn it into a finished product.

35. frozen semi-finished product (bakery production): Semi-finished product of bakery production, subjected to deep freezing.

36. Nutrient mixture (for bakery production) (Ndp. Flour talker): A semi-finished product of bakery production, made from flour and water or flour, water and tea leaves, or water and tea leaves in a certain ratio and used to prepare liquid baker's yeast, sourdough, liquid dough. Note - When preparing a nutritional mixture, it is allowed to use mineral salts, enzyme preparations, milk whey and other components.

37. brewing (for bakery production): A semi-finished product for bakery production, made from flour and water and brought to the stage of starch gelatinization.

38.Self-sugar brewing (for bakery production) (Ndp. Sweet brew): A brew for bakery production, saccharified under the influence of flour amylolytic enzymes.

39.Saccharified brewing (for bakery production) (Ndp. Saccharified mash): Infusion for baking, saccharified under the influence of amylolytic enzymes in flour and malt or enzyme preparations.

40.unsugared tea leaves (for bakery production (Ndp. Simple brewing): Non-sugar brewing for bakery production.

41. fermented tea leaves (for bakery production) (Ndp. Fermented mash): Infusion for bakery production, which has passed the stage of fermentation under the influence of lactic acid bacteria.

42. fermented tea leaves (for bakery production): A brew for bakery that has passed the stage of fermentation under the influence of baker's yeast or sourdough.

43.Liquid Baker's Yeast (Ndp. Liquid baker's yeast): A semi-finished product for bakery production, prepared on fermented tea leaves for bakery production by propagating baker's yeast in it. Note - It is allowed to prepare liquid baker's yeast using hops.

44.activated baker's yeast: A semi-finished product for bakery production, prepared by activating baker's pressed or dried yeast diluted in water, with the addition of sugar or flour, or a mixture thereof, enzymes, brew.

45. sourdough (for bakery production) (Ndp. Head; kvass): A semi-finished product of bakery production, obtained by fermentation of a nutrient mixture with lactic acid or propionic acid bacteria and baker's yeast.

46. ​​concentrated lactic acid starter culture (for bakery production): Sourdough for bakery production, obtained by fermentation of the nutrient mixture with lactic acid bacteria and having a moisture content of 63% - 66% and an acidity of more than 16 degrees.

47. propionic acid starter culture (for bakery production): Sourdough for bakery, obtained by fermentation of a nutrient mixture with propionic acid bacteria.

48. vitamin starter culture (for bakery production): Sourdough for bakery production, obtained by fermentation of a nutritious mixture with baker's yeast, which has an increased synthesis of vitamins.

49.Dry starter culture (for bakery production): Semi-finished product for bakery production, obtained from ready-made sourdough for bakery production, dried and, if necessary, ground.

50.wet flour gluten: A complex of insoluble protein substances of flour, capable of forming an elastic mass when swollen in water.

51.Dry gluten flour: Dried and powdered raw gluten flour.

52. Dough: Semi-finished product of bakery production, obtained by kneading flour or prepared for production of grain products and flour, water, baker's yeast in accordance with the recipe and technological mode, consumed for the preparation of dough.

53. liquid dough: Dough made from 25% - 35% of the total amount of flour used to knead the dough, having a moisture content of 68% - 72%. Note - It is allowed to use salt when preparing liquid dough.

54. thick dough: Dough made from 45% - 55% of the total amount of flour used to knead the dough, having a moisture content of 41% - 45%.

55.Large thick dough: Dough made from 60% - 70% of the total amount of flour used to knead the dough, having a moisture content of 41% - 45%.

56.Dough: A semi-finished product for bakery production, obtained by kneading flour or prepared for the production of grain products and flour, water, baker's yeast, salt with or without the use of dough, sourdough and additional raw materials in accordance with the approved recipe and technological instructions.

57.Dough piece: A semi-finished product of bakery production in the form of a piece of dough of a certain mass, subjected to cutting operations.

58. finishing semi-finished product (bakery production): A semi-finished product for bakery production, used for surface finishing of dough pieces and finished bakery products.

59. Finishing Crumb (Ndp. Dressing; stresel): A finishing semi-finished product of bakery production from sugar, fat and flour, mixed in a certain ratio and crushed.

60.Egg Lube (for bakery production) (Ndp. egg chatterbox; egg mixture; egg-water mixture): A finishing semi-finished product of bakery production from eggs or melange and water.

61.Bread lobe: Pre-soaked and shredded bakery product.

62.Breadcrumb: Shredded bakery product.

63. crumbs: Dried shredded bakery product.

64. Finishing Mix: A mixture of oilseeds, grains, cereals, finishing food additives in the ratio specified in the recipe or technological instructions.

65. crumb (bakery): The inside of a baked product formed from the dough during the baking process. Technological processes

66. preparation of raw materials (in bakery production): Carrying out technological operations ensuring the suitability of raw materials for the production of bakery products.

67. sifting flour: Separation of impurities when passing flour through a sieve.

68. magnetic flour cleaning: Separation of metal-magnetic impurities from flour when passing it through magnetic installations.

69. mixing flour (Ndp.roll of flour; sorting flour; dumping flour): Preparation of a mixture in a certain ratio from flour of different grades, different lots of the same grade of flour or flour obtained from grain of different cereals and legumes.

70. washing gluten: Separation of gluten from starch, particles of crushed shells and water-soluble flour constituents.

71.Dosing of raw materials (in bakery production): Batch or continuous weighing or volumetric metering of raw materials for bakery products in the amount prescribed by the recipe for the preparation of the corresponding semi-finished product for bakery production.

72. wiring cycle for preparing a semi-finished product (bakery production): Breeding anew the leaven or liquid baker's yeast by sequential propagation of pure cultures of microorganisms or ready-made starter culture weighing 50 - 300 g or dry starter culture and bringing the mass of these semi-finished bakery products to the amount required for the production cycle.

73. production cycle of preparation of a semi-finished product (bakery): Preparation of sourdough or liquid baker's yeast by periodically replenishing the nutrient mixture instead of the consumed amount and bringing them to the amount required for production.

74. mix of semi-finished product (bakery): Stirring the raw materials for the bakery product according to the recipe until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

75. continuous batch of semi-finished product (bakery): Kneading a semi-finished product of bakery production with continuous dosing of a certain amount of raw materials and semi-finished products per unit of time.

76. batch batch of semi-finished product (bakery production): Kneading a semi-finished product of bakery production with portioned dosing of raw materials and semi-finished products.

77.the rhythm of mixing a semi-finished product (bakery): The time interval from the start of kneading one portion of a semi-finished bakery product to the beginning of kneading the next portion.

78. intensive kneading of dough: Kneading the dough with high-speed or intensive machining.

79. fermentation of a semi-finished product (bakery): The transformation of carbohydrates and protein substances of dough, sourdough and dough under the influence of the appropriate enzymes of flour, baker's yeast and lactic acid bacteria in order to accumulate flavoring, aromatic substances, breakdown products of proteins and carbohydrates of flour.

80. preserving semi-finished product (bakery production): Temporary suppression of the vital activity of baker's yeast and bacteria in order to preserve the quality of the semi-finished product of bakery production.

81. freezing a semi-finished product (bakery production): Keeping a semi-finished product of bakery production at subzero temperatures in order to preserve it.

82. freezing baked goods: Keeping a bakery product at low temperatures for the purpose of preserving it.

83. defrosting a semi-finished product (bakery production) (Ndp. defrosting): Exposure of previously frozen semi-finished bakery product at positive temperatures.

84. defrosting a baked product: Exposure of a previously frozen bakery product at positive temperatures.

85. loosening dough: Formation of a porous dough structure.

86.loosening dough by biological method (Ndp. Biochemical loosening of the dough): Loosening of the dough by the action of carbon dioxide released as a result of fermentation.

87. mechanical loosening of the dough (Ndp. Physical loosening of the dough): Loosening of the dough under the influence of carbon dioxide, oxygen or air supplied under pressure or vacuum to the kneader when kneading the dough.

88. chemical loosening of the dough: Loosening of the dough by the action of carbon dioxide and gaseous substances released during the decomposition of chemical leavening agents.

89.Dough preparation: The process of kneading the dough with its subsequent fermentation until maturation.

90. (dough preparation): Dough preparation using dough.

91. Safe Way (dough preparation): Dough preparation in one phase with the introduction of all raw materials according to the recipe.

92. Fast way (dough preparation): Dough preparation using the appropriate mechanical treatment, acidified semi-finished products, increased dough temperature, increased dosage of baker's yeast and reduced fermentation time.

93.intense cold technology (dough preparation): Dough preparation without fermentation in one phase with the introduction of an increased amount of baker's yeast, bread improvers and low temperature water.

94. Continuous Process (dough preparation): Dough preparation with continuous kneading and fermentation of the whole mass of dough in one container.

95. batch process (dough preparation): Dough preparation in separate portions according to the recipe.

96. dough keeping: Holding the dough for a certain time to restore the physical properties of the dough.

97. Knee Dough (Ndp. Breaking the dough; chipping the dough): Briefly stirring the dough during the fermentation period.

98. Dough Rub: Mechanical processing of dough for donut products.

99. (Ndp. Alteration of dough): Adding certain types of additional raw materials for bakery products to the dough during fermentation.

100. lamination dough: Giving the dough a layered structure by imposing butter, margarine or fatty products on the rolled dough, intended for lamination of the dough, followed by its repeated rolling.

101. cutting dough: One or more operations to process the finished dough.

102. dough division: Getting a dough piece of a certain mass.

103. molding (dough piece) (Ndp. Roll product): Giving the dough piece a shape corresponding to the given type of bakery product.

104.rounding (dough piece) (Ndp. Rolling): Giving the dough piece a spherical shape.

105. rolling (dough piece): Giving the dough piece a loaf-like shape.

106. notching [pricking] the dough piece: Applying cuts [pricks] to the surface of the dough piece.

107. proofing (dough piece): Holding the dough piece at a certain temperature and relative humidity.

108.pre-proofing (dough piece) (Ndp. First proofing; dry proofing; intermediate proofing): Short-term proofing of the dough piece after mechanical action during dividing and rounding in order to improve the properties and structure.

109. final proofing (dough piece) (Ndp. Second proofing; wet proofing): Proofing of the dough piece after its shaping in order to loosen and form the required volume.

110.finishing (dough piece): Application on the surface of the dough piece of raw materials for bakery products, finishing semi-finished products of bakery production, oilseeds, cereals, finishing mixture.

111. dough piece lubrication: Applying melange, egg grease, starch paste, sugar solution or special lubricant to the surface of the dough piece.

112. spraying the dough piece [bakery product]: Moisten the surface of the dough piece [bakery product] with water, a steam-air or steam-water mixture.

113.sealing (dough piece): Hot water treatment of the dough piece.

114. scald (dough piece): Steam treatment of the dough piece.

115.roasting (dough piece) (Ndp.toasting bread): Brief exposure of the dough piece to high temperature during the initial baking period.

116. processing of bakery forms [baking sheet] (Ndp. tinting of a bakery mold): Obtaining a film on the inner surface of a new or cleaned baking mold [baking sheet] from a pre-applied layer of vegetable oil or material used in the food industry.

117. Baking Mold Lubricator [baking sheet]: Applying a thin layer of vegetable oil, fatty acid emulsion or lubricants used in the food industry to the inside of a baking pan [bread sheet].

118.: Heating the dough piece in the baking chamber until it turns into a finished product.

119. frying (baked goods): The process of heating a dough piece in boiling fat until a finished product is obtained.

120.bakery finishing: Giving the surface of the bakery product an appearance that meets the requirements of the regulatory document.

121. glazing (bakery): Applying a heated fondant or chocolate mass to the top crust of the baked product.

122.canning of bakery products: A set of technological measures to preserve the consumer properties of the bakery product during storage.

123.canning with alcohol (bakery): Preserving a bakery product by treating its surface with alcohol followed by packaging.

124.Sterilization (bakery product): Preservation of a bakery product by suppressing the vital activity of microorganisms in it.

125.heat sterilization (bakery product): Preserving the packaged bakery product by heat treatment.

126.Step heat sterilization (bakery product): Heat sterilization of a bakery product in two or more stages.

127. chemical sterilization (bakery product): Sterilization of the bakery product by introducing preservatives into the recipe of the bakery product.

128. refreshing (bakery): Short-term heating of stale bakery product at the appropriate mode. Technochemical control of the production of bakery products

129. (Ndp. Experimental baking): Baking a bakery product in order to check and evaluate the baking properties of flour, the yield of a baked product, the parameters of the technological process, various methods of preparing a bakery product, the consumption rates of vegetable oil for lubricating technological equipment and packaging materials.

130.Lifting force of semi-finished product (bakery): Indicator of the process of loosening a semi-finished product of bakery production, depending on the vital activity of microorganisms under given conditions.

131. fermentation activity of semi-finished product (bakery): The potential ability of a semi-finished bakery product to loosen dough.

132. gassing ability of a semi-finished product (bakery): The ability of a semi-finished bakery product to form carbon dioxide.

133. gas holding capacity of semi-finished product (bakery): The ability of a semi-finished bakery product to retain carbon dioxide from fermentation.

134. (dough piece): The ability of a dough piece to hold carbon dioxide and hold its shape during the proving and initial baking period.

135. elasticity of dough [bakery crumb]: The property of the dough [bakery crumb] to gradually regain its original shape after the deforming load ceases.

136. Technological Cost (in bakery production): Consumption of flour, semi-finished product of bakery production and finished product, due to the course of the technological process of production of a bakery product and its storage.

137. cost of fermentation: The cost of a semi-finished product of bakery production for fermentation during the period from kneading to baking.

138.expense when cutting dough: The cost of flour for sprinkling the working surfaces of parts of cutting and transport equipment and the surface of dough pieces during cutting.

139. (Ndp. Costs for baking): Reducing the mass of the dough piece during baking due to the evaporation of some of the water and volatilization of some fermentation products.

Shrinkage (bakery product) (Ndp. Costs during cooling and storage): Reducing the mass of the bakery product during cooling and storage due to the evaporation of some of the water and volatilization of some fermentation products.

141.technological loss (in bakery production) (Ndp. mechanical loss): Consumption of flour, semi-finished products of bakery production and finished product during the introduction of the technological process, storage and transportation, not due to the technological process.

142. test output: Dough mass obtained from consumed flour, yeast, salt, water and additional raw materials for bakery production.

143. exit of bakery product (Ndp. Pripek): The mass of the finished bakery product, expressed as a percentage of the mass of flour consumed. Note - In the case of using malt, cereal products, gluten, starch, the mass of these products is included in the mass of flour consumed.

Defects and disease of bakery products

144. Defect in the bakery product in the form of unmixed raw materials in the crumb of the bakery product.

145.Void (in a bakery product): Defect in the bakery product in the form of cavities in the crumb of the bakery product with a transverse dimension of more than 3 cm.

146. crumb compaction (bakery product) (Ndp. Bakery crumb hardening): A defect in the bakery product in the form of dense areas of the bakery crumb that do not contain pores.

147. A defect in the bakery product in the form of surface areas without a crust at the points of contact of the dough pieces. Note - Areas of the surface without a crust at the joints, the presence of which is a characteristic feature of some types of bakery products and their appearance is provided for during the formation of dough pieces, are called slips and are not considered defects.

148. A defect in the bakery product in the form of peeling off the crusts at the base of the hearth bakery product and tearing off the upper crust of the shaped bakery product.

149. Major Disruption: Undermining, covering the entire length of one of the lateral sides of a shaped bakery product or more than half of the circumference of the hearth bakery product and having a width of more than 1 cm in the shaped bakery product and more than 2 cm in the hearth bakery product.

150. crack (baked goods): Defect in the baked product in the form of tears in the upper crust of the baked product.

151.large crack (bakery): A crack in a baked product that runs through the entire top crust in one or more directions and is more than 1 cm wide.

152. A defect in the bakery product in the form of a protruding crumb of the bakery product along the contour of the upper crust of the mold or lower crust of the hearth bakery product.

153. Foreign inclusion (in a bakery product): Inclusion in the crumb of a bakery product, which is determined visually and is dangerous to human life and health.

154. Crunch from Mineral Impurity (in a bakery product): Crunch in a bakery product, not characteristic of the type of bakery product, determined when chewing.

155. Metallomagnetic Impurity (in a low-humidity bakery product): An impurity in a low-humidity bakery product that has the property of being attracted to a magnet.

156. (bakery product): The presence of inclusions on the surface of the bakery product that are not typical for this type of bakery product.

157.burn (bakery): Partial charring of the surface of the baked product due to caramelization to a degree that causes a bitter taste.

158. scrap (bakery): A portion of a whole baked product. Note - The characteristics of large scrap and small scrap are given in the regulatory document for a specific type of bakery product.

159.horbone (bakery product): The portion of the baked product that is separated from the non-end of the baked product.

160.crumb (low moisture bakery product): A small particle of a bakery product with low moisture content, formed during the filling, packaging, stacking and transportation of products with low moisture content.

161.infection (low humidity bakery product): The presence of low moisture content of pests of grain stocks in a bakery product, determined visually.

162.Disease (bakery): Specific damage to a baked product due to the development of microorganisms, making the baked product unusable.

163. "potato" disease (bakery) (Ndp. "Stringy" disease): A disease of a bakery product caused by aerobic spore bacteria and characterized by the presence of a specific unpleasant odor in the bakery product and slimy threads in the crumb.

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